coming soon

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Hello, dear reader.

If you're a fan of Peter Parker (aka Spiderman) then I welcome you to this story. If you are not, I extend my welcome all the same. While this story is labeled under the fan-fiction genre, I hope that those outside the fandom will still be able to read and enjoy it.

This story originally started out as a short story I wrote in the spur of the moment, but now I am excited share the expanded version of the same idea. All of this is thanks to my dear friend, chalupa_tyler, who this book is dedicated to. She was the one who asked and inspired me to further develop this story since it was one of her favorite of mine.

I look forward to sharing this with you and all getting to hear your thoughts and reactions. The first chapter will be posted before too long, but until then, feel free to browse my other stories, or ask me more about this story!

And as always, stay wonderful. Xx


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