I'm Fine (Y/N)3

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When I looked at Keith he looked worried, more than normal. "Keith, I don't want to talk about it." I say looking down at my hands, under the covers.

Keith sat up and leaned his back against the couch. "Look, (Y/N), I get if you don't want to talk about it, but just listen to me. You got scared when you saw your dad's truck, told me and Lance to leave you there if you didn't come out, and when you left your house you ran to the car." Keith says gravely looking down, but not at me.

"He's just protective that's all." I say faking a laugh.

"Don't give me that. Adam and Shiro are protective. I mean you where actually scared of your dad, and from the short time that I've known you, you aren't scared of alot."

"Keith." I say firmly as I roll over to face the door again. "I don't even know you that well, and I have given you alot of trust already, but this? I just cant."

After a few minutes I felt Keith shift on the bed and lay down, he put a hand on my shoulder as I slowly fell asleep.

When I woke up in my hazed state, and pulled away from Keith slowly. I had to move his arm off of me, and move the pillows to support his head. I started to walk to the kitchen when I realized that there was music playing. 'who is listening to Shakira this early?' I think walking into the kitchen.

I yawned and looked around seeing Lance dancing to the music, and cooking.

"Hey, (Y/N), is Keith up yet?" Lance asks sliding a pancake off the pan, and onto a plate.

I thought about everything that happened that night. "Um...no. He is still alseep." I tell Lance walking over to grab a water from the mini fridge.

"Hm, well, he could sleep through a tornado. So could everyone else here." Lance says sounding kinda annoyed.

"So, we're the only ones up?" I ask looking up at Lance.

"Ya, I tried waking up hunk to help me cook, but he wasn't moving."

"What about ,Allura?"

"Ya, I was going to, but she looked so peaceful ,asleep on the bed, with her hair all messy, and her little snores." Lance says leaning against the wall, and looking up like a love sick puppy.

I nugdged him with my shoulder. "Just make sure to bring those to you girlfriend in bed." I say jokingly, gestering to the pancakes.

"What?! She's not my girlfriend. We're just, um...really good friends." Lance says blushing.

I chuckle slightly, before a feel some one hug me from behind. They were basically laying on me. "Keith~, your crushing me."

Keith leans his head down and kisses my neck. "Why are you up so early?" Keith asks still mostly asleep.

Lance clears his thought while flipping over the pancakes.

"Oh, um...Lance, your up." Keith says rubbing the back of his neck nervously, and standing up. "Oh, shit, I kissed your neck. Keith says panicking and looking down at me.

"It's fine, just next time do it when your more awake."  I say jokingly. I turn around to walk back into the living room, passing by Keith I whisper in his ear. "And next time, do it when we're alone." I whisper.

I walked into the living room, so I couldn't see his face, but I bet it was as red as his jacket. I laughed lightly to myself and grabbed my change of clothe. Lance said that Alura was still asleep, so I quietly walked walked in, and to the bath room. I closed the door as quietly as I could, and changed into my change of clothes. I put on a pair of black leggings and a white knit, turtle neck, tank top to cover my sent glands. I pulled out my surpressants, and looked around for my water.

'Damn it, I left in in the kitchen.' I think to myself annoyed. I take a deep breath, and slowly open the bathroom door. As I was leaving, surpressants in hand, I stumbled over a shirt on the floor.

"(Y/N), what are you doing?" Alura asks in her tired voice.

"Oh, I was just changing in the bathroom, I'm sorry for waking you." I say looking down at the ground. "Wait, how did you know it was me?" I asks looking in the dark room.

"It was your smell, it gave you away emediently." Alura says getting up slowly, laughing.

"Oh, Well, I just need to get some water." I say rushing back to the kitchen. When I got back Keith was sitting down on the corner eating. Lance was singing along to the song, and swaying his hips, dancing.

Lance aww me again and started singing louder. I put my arms in the air and started to dance with him. I swayed my hips and walked over to where I placed my water. I took my surpressants and looked over at Keith. He was looking down at his plate, blushing.

I smiled and went back to dancing. Alura walked in and smiled. She looked at me and Lance then over at Keith.

"Keith, you really like that wierdness dancing over there?" Alura asks jokingly.

"I don't know, do you really like that wierdness singing along?" Keith says jokingly, standing up and putting his dishes in the sink.

I dance over closer to him and pull him where I was dancing before. "Come on, Keith, don't be so tense ,dance." I say smiling.

Keith hesitates, but then slowly starts to sway his body to the beat. Alura walks over to us and starts dancing with Lance. Lance leans over and turns up the volume on the speaker.

After a few minutes Pidge and Hunk slowly walk into the kitchen confused. "What the hell are you guys doing?" Pidge asks adjusting her circular glasses.

"Dancing. Duh." Lance says looking over at them.

I put my arms down by my side, and look down at the floor, shyly.  Keith smiled at me, and jokingly messed up my (H/L), (H/C) hair. "Don't be shy." He whispers to me, in his life voice.

"You guys areweird, but I love you." Hunk says laughing and putting a hand on Lance's shoulder.

"I know, I know, anyways, we should eat. Now that you two are up." Lance says rolling his eyes, and turns to plate of pancakes.

Hunk walks over to a wide cabinet above the stove and pulls out plated for all of us.  Keith politely refuses, but takes the plate after Hunk pressures him.

Keith looks over and me again and leans his head down, to whisper to me. "Are you ok? With everything from last night?"

"Ya, I'm fine." I say smiling at him.

"Hey, you two, come join us in the living room." Lance yells putting another pancake on his plate.

I roll my eyes and start to walk to the liveing room. When I turn the corner I'm alittle shocked. "Who picked everything up?" I ask confused.

"I did it before I walk into the kitchen." Pidge says, before they shovel more pancake into their mouth.

I chuckled slight and sat down near the wall, on one of their black fold up chairs.

"Allura, you don't have to sit on Lance's lap, there are other chairs." Keith say confused.

Lance wrapped his arms around Alluras waist, and looked over at Keith. "Ya, you you didn't have to kiss (Y/N) on the neck. You still did." Lance says in the cockiest way possible.

Everyone looks at Keith is shock then over at me. "(Y/N) pull down your turtle neck. Did he mark you? Keith did you actually kiss their neck? What happened?" I hear everyone asks me and Keith, talking over one and another.

"Guys calm down, I wouldn't mark them until we were older. I was just...well I was half awake, and their smell was so sweet. I just didn't think." Keith does his best to explain, while everyone stares at him.

Everyone then looks at each other and starts to laugh at how awkward. Keith was sitting next to me so I could see the blush on his face, very clearly. "Hey, I really am sorry about kissing you earlier, and now for this. Are you ok?" Keith asks me.

"It's ok, Keith. I'm fine."

*I'm sorry it has taken me so long to update, my birthday is tomorrow so it's been hectic. Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter*

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