Christmas Chapter

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Hello Readers. If you didn’t read the title this is a Christmas special, so it is not actually part of the book. If you didn’t know already, I have been taking a break for my mental health, but I have been writing and it seems to actually be helping, so I will do my best to update more frequently. 

I will apologize now for if you don’t celebrate Christmas, because honestly neither do I. I celebrate Yule, if anyone is wondering, but Christmas has grown and is now more celebrated than normal, so I am doing a Christmas chapter. Either way I hope you guys enjoy, and Happy Holidays to all of you!

I never really had a “Merry Christmas” with my family. My brother used to tell me stories of when I was really young and how mom and dad were happy. He said that Dad wouldn’t be angry at us, and mom would always read us new books. The stories he told, sounded like that, just stories. I guess I had to have only been one or two maybe because When ever my brother spoke of them, it was always with me crying or making a mess and laughing. 

I was laying in my bed, not wanting to move. It was winter break, and in the spirit of my dad was drinking peppermint vodka and Baileys by the bottle. I was hidden in my room, the only friend to talk to was the little hamster on my nightstand. It was almost an hour till I heard my phone go off somewhere hidden in my bed.  I threw my blankets to the ceiling and found my phone hidden in my bed. I saw a text from Allura and Keith. 

Allura-Hey, (Y/N), We normally do a friends Christmas at the cabin. Do you think you could come?

Keith-I will drive you, and you don’t have to worry about a gift.

I didn’t respond right away, instead I sat there reading the same text over and over again. What do you think tiny hamster, should I go?” I ask, looking over at the toy on my nightstand. 

Me-I will see if I can, My dad might flip if I go.

Allura-You know I hate your dad, right?

Pidge-I think we all do at this point.

Hunk-I’m sorry, hopefully you can come, I love getting to cook for everyone. You also seem like the type of person that needs a calm Christmas break right about now.

Keith-You could just wait till he blacks out, and you could jump out of your window if you need too.

Lance-Keith!? We don’t want (Y/N) To get injured!

Keith-I wouldn’t let them get injured, I would catch them. It’s only a two level house.

Pidge-I mean if they can actually come, just don’t kill them.

Me-Guys, you do realize I am in this chat right?

Hunk-Ya, they choose if they come or not.

Allura-That’s true, so (Y/N) What will it be? Do you think you will come?

Me-I will do my best to come, I think I can make it if Keith can get me.

Keith-I will get you whenever you need.

With that I turned off my phone and layed back down in bed. I wasn’t sure what to bring, or what I should wear if I ent. I knew that my dad would expect me to make him dinner, so I would have to cook dinner before.

Quickly, I got up and went down stairs, slowly. My dad was watching an old christmas movie on the TV so I tried to slip into the kitchen unseen, it didn’t work. “What are you doing?” Dad asks. A hint of annoyance lacing his voice. 

“I need to start dinner a little early, there is alot to make.” I says sheepishly.

“Just don’t be loud, and I want dinner done before three so make it snappy.” My dad says grabbing a bottle of bayly’s next to him and gesturing as if he were pushing me into the kitchen.

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