Part 35

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Savannah sat down gently next to her childhood friend and cradled her.

"Natalie, even if you had of been sleeping walking, you didn't kill Joe. I've known you all my life. You're too good of a person to do something so evil." Savannah shook her head in disbelief envisioning her childhood friend murdering her husband.

"But I hated what he did to me. I resented him for lying, cheating, and beating me. What if all that anger, that was buried deep down, surfaced after I blacked out that night?" Natalie sobbed onto Savannah's shoulder.

"Natalie, let the doctors analyze your mental stability. I refuse to believe my around-the -way home-girl would do something like this. You've got a hectic day tomorrow and you have been through a traumatic experience. We are not going to dwell on that idiotic notion any more tonight." Savannah hugged Natalie tightly.

"I-I just don't know any more Savannah about anything. I feel like I am losing my mind! My world is collapsing around me and I am so confused." Natalie sobbed.

Savannah pulled the blanket out of the floor next to the chaise where Brant slept. He had kicked it off of himself prior as he twisted and turned for comfort on the suede upholstery. She guided the plush blanket over her and Natalie as they fell asleep into each other's arms.


Morning came quickly with the sweet aroma of bacon and eggs. Natalie awakened at the other end of the sofa. She glanced around and noticed Savannah slumped over on the other side of the plush couch. Natalie smiled to herself. Savannah was always in her corner and by her side when she needed her. She had always resented Joseph for alienating her from her family and friends. If she had not been so afraid of him, she would have linked up with her childhood buddies years ago. Brant and Savannah would have given her the courage to leave. They would have reminded her of who she used to be.

Natalie eased her glare away from Savannah and peered into the kitchen. Brant was dressed in a long red silk robe holding a spatula in one hand and a cell phone in the other. Swinging her legs gently off the couch, Natalie sat still and placed her head into her palms. She waited for an ache or throb to beat mercilessly against her temples, but it never came.

"That smells good Brant," Savannah said as she slowly sat up and stared into the kitchen.

"I have been trying to wake yall' up for the past fifteen minutes. I knew the smell of food would shake you heffas' from your sleep." Brant chirped while scraping bacon from the pan onto to a plate.

"What time is it?" Savannah yawned and stretched.

"Time for you to get up before you are late for work and Natalie you know you got to meet with Leeland in the next hour." Brant scolded as he walked over to the couch.

"Yes, my Jewish mother!" Natalie bellowed.

"What were you guys doing last night while I was passed out?" Brant raised his eyebrow and frowned as he grabbed the dish detergent off the coffee table. "I am not even going to ask about this." Brant sneered as he walked over to the small dining room.

"Natalie thinks she may have been sleepwalking and possibly washed your dishes during an episode" Savannah stood up from the couch and stretched again before joining Natalie and Brant at the table.

"It's a possibility. Something has been a little off with me lately." Natalie shrugged as she walked over to the table to eat.

"So, big deal. I had a cousin in Missouri that used to sleepwalk and eat raw meat out of the refrigerator. My aunt had to wait until he left for school in the morning before she could thaw it" Brant sat across from Natalie and began to eat.

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