Part 5

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It's been 2 days since the general reveal of the twins and well Aidan hasn't been home lately so I'm starting to worry bc he always comes at like 11pm not drunk but normal

It's been 2 days since the gender of the twins and I have been most of the time with Jenny but you know it's just so that we can get to know each other again cause she left me for 15yr and well know we are both 18 and it's been the funniest 2days of my life ,I know that it's bad to say it like that since I have a almost wife and 2kid are coming our way but it's not my fault that it's better to be with Jenny then to be with y/n
(Ik that makes you mad but the end of this story is further from what you think it when you and Aidan are 79 years old)
So Aidan finally showed up at 11 like always and went to the restroom then came back and i thought it was the perfect idea to ask him what he has been up too
Y/n:hey Aidan can we talk
Aidan :yeah baby what's up
Y/n:why haven't you been here lately you know being pregnant it's not easy
Aidan:am sorry baby but I have been out with -
Y/n:Jenny right
Aidan just looked down and nodded
I said and turn around so that I wasn't facing him
Aidan:oh come on y/n why do you always have to be like this when am with Jenny
I ignored him and went to sleep

Next day...
I woke up with no Aidan by my side and I wasn't surprise but what I did feel is like throwing up so I got up and run to the restroom and just threw it all out I was crying cause I don't like throwing up so yeah it was hard
When I was finished I got up and took a 2 hour bath the got out and brush my teeth then this was my outfit makeup shoes and your fanny pack and your hair look like here's 👇🏼for the day

I was making breakfast for my self obviously but then the front door opens and it was my brother Gio:hey sis what you making Y/n:oh just pasta you want someGio:yeahY/n:Alr cause I was for sure that I wasn't going to finish it by myself againGio:wh...

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I was making breakfast for my self obviously but then the front door opens and it was my brother
Gio:hey sis what you making
Y/n:oh just pasta you want some
Y/n:Alr cause I was for sure that I wasn't going to finish it by myself again
Gio:what do you mean by your self again were is Aidan
Y/n:o he is out with a friend
Gio:is he out with that ugly girl from the party
Y/:yes but I don't cere so now seat down bc the pasta is ready .

My sad memories Aidan Gallagher x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now