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(The kids already new how laugh and say NO , MAMA ,GIGi aka Gio and ALLO aka hello and TI aka SI -yes )
the kids are here and everything is goin good until Noah pick his nose and started to but it on Natalia and then she hit him while Noah was laughing
Y/n:Noah , Natalia stop it right Known
Noah:no mama
Y/n:Noah !!!
Natalia:mama no no no
She said while she pointed (👈🏼 )a finger at me because she knows I don't like when people yell
Y/n:okay okay 😂😂
After a few minutes
Someone tapped my shoulder

Colby POV
Okay I'm just goin to tell her
So I tapped her shoulder
Y/n:was up
Colby:I i I-am
Y/n:you okay
Colby:fuck it
I grave her face and kiss her and omg it was amazing and the best part she didn't back out but then we both broke the kiss
Y/n:omg Colby
Colby:listen y/n I have loved you so much sense the day I meet you but then that ugly bitt took you away
Y/n:it's okay I like you
Colby:for reals
Colby :soooo do you wanna go on a date
Colby:okay meet me at my apartment Roof I will have something special
Y/n:sure but first can I get another kiss
Your lips are perfect just like your everything else
Colb:well for sure and you are also perfect ever single part of you
(You put your arms in his neck and he put his arms on you waist )
Kiss kiss
Y/n:Alr Colbs see you around
Colby :see ya
Omg that was so good I think am a tomato
Alex POV
Me and Gio saw everything Colby and y/n are so cute
Alex :did you see that
Gio:yup and I feel good about it
Alex :any way I'm goin to bring some food for us at this really good place
Y/n,Colby,Gio:ight thanks
Omg my sis moved on and it was with Colby omg I love my live
Excel for the part I have no one them I'm lonely I need someone
Colby:Ey I'll be back I'm goin to the restroom

2 hours later
Ding dong!!
Y/n:I got it
Opens the door

My sad memories Aidan Gallagher x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant