Part 8

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It's 4:00 am and Aidan has to go film for the umbrella academy and I have to go with him to support him but I really wanted to go to see Robert that most funniest person alive

Skip to when he was filming
Aidan was almost done filming and the one and only Jenny walked trough does doors I was soo mad Aidan told me he was never goin to let me go and he goes and invites her my hart was broken but I didn't cry cause I don't like looking sad so kept with it then obviously I had to use the restroom so I went and came back 5 min later and to my surprise Aidan was no were to be found and the last place to check was on our ven so I went there and you could hear is like if some one was having s*x
I opened the door only to find .....

My sad memories Aidan Gallagher x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now