Part 15

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I got back from eating breakfast with the twins and went straight to my van and put the twins to sleep while I was doing that I sing a song to them the song that I always sing when there are goin to the song is the one on top ☝🏼
Soon they feel asleep so I went to set and of course Gio came and watch them if they wake up

In set:
I got in set it was time to talk to five and confront him about killing my mother
Sarah:so you were the one who killed my mother
Five:wow how did you know(he said sarcastically)
Sarah:you know you are very arrogant
Five:and you are very annoying
Sarah:* laughs * being who you are right now is not goin to get you no were darling
Five:don't call me that
Sarah:or what your going to hit me
Five :oh no I'm goin to do much more
He tried to grave your hand to slam you in the wall put you were Quicker and flipped him within one second using only one hand

Wow she is good
I stood up and followed her

I left ass soon as the producers said that and went to the van
Oky but why is Aidan following me I turn around and ask
Y/n:what do you want
Aidan:I want to see my kids
Y/n:your way to late
Aidan:y/n why didn't you call me to tell me at least there were being born
Y/n:you are really stupid aren't you I did call you but your stupid little girlfriend answer and said that you wanted nothing to do with it
At this point you were starting to tear up
Y/n:bye Aidan
Aidan:what no please let me se the twins
Aidan:yes yes thank you so much
Y/n:no problem
We were walking to the van when Jenny stopped us
Jenny:baby what are you doing with here
Aidan:don't baby me you didn't even tell me that the twins were born
Jenny:she told you didn't she
Jenny:and are you goin to believe her
Aidan:of course I was with here for 5years I know her very well know if you excuse me I have to go meet my daughter and son
Me and Aidan started to make our way to my van and we opened it and the twins were in there play mat with Gio playing who knows what
Gio:y/n wtf is he doing here
Y/n:Gio chill he just wants to see the kids remember he is the father
I grave natalia and put here in Aidan's arms
And he looked like he wanted to cry
I can't believe this I'm holding my babygirl omg I'm crying
Aidan:hey baby I love you you look just like me and momma
Y/n:she does doesn't she
Y/n:here is Noah
She took the baby from me and handed me the boy
Aidan:omg he looks just like me
Y/n:yes yes he does
Aidan:y/n I'm sorry we could have been a good family but my stupid ass Gad to ruined everything
Y/n:yes Aidan yes you did
Aidan:I'm sorry
Y/n:it's oky
Aidan:can I take them to my house so that my parents can meet them
Y/n:of course
Aidan:thank you so much y/n
Y/n:no problems know we have to go on set again and leave this baby's to uncle Gio
Aidan:yeah here Gio
Y/n :by the way her name is Natalia Nora Nicole Gallagher y/l/n
And his is Noah Neo Nathan Gallagher y/l/n
Aidan:you always chose the prettiest names y/n
Y:n:thanks know let's get to set or your girlfriend is goin to be so mad
Aidan:oh yes ....

To be continued

My sad memories Aidan Gallagher x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now