Part 16

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On set
Five was goin to kill Sarah but Sarah was smart so you did
Sarah:trying to kill me pretty boy
Five:yes you know you are just like your mom so stupid
Sarah: thank you but if I was stupid I wouldn't be available to do this
Sarah grab five by the neck and push him to the other side of the wall then started to throw punches and he was left unconscious
Then one of the people that works for you came
Sarah:pleas take him to the commission and put him in a bed we are not goin to be safe when he wakes up
B#1:with pleasure Ma'am
I was about to leave when
Aidan:hey y/n can I take cere of the kids for today
Y/n:yes but do you even know what to do
Aidan:yes Jenny can help me
Y/n:oh no I'm not letting her touch my kids
Aidan:why not and there are not just your kids i'm the father
Y/n:that was never there ,there for I'm the responsible one
Aidan:it doesn't matter if I wasn't there I'm taking them
Y/n:sad bc Gio is with them and he won't let go of them if I'm not there
Aidan:oh well you are coming with me
He grab your wrist and dragged you to your van
Y/n:let go I'm not letting you take the kids
Aidan:I have the right to take them know open the fucking van and let me take them
Aidan:I SAID YES !!!!!!!
Know every body was watching us
Aidan:y/n be quiet
Y/n:NO because you have always thought that every body love you
Aidan:what are you talking about
Y/n:before my parents died in the car accident they told me that with you in my life everything was goin to go bad put I never listen,Aidan I gave up on my parents for you and this is what you pay back real Mature
Aidan:what y/n why didn't you tell me
Y/n:I was goin to but you were so stuffed about Jenny coming over
Y/n:Aidan was I really your first real love
Aidan just looked down
Y/n:Aidan well just as you left I'm goin to leave to
Aidan:what no you can't quit because of me
Y/n:I'm not quitting because of you I'm still goin to come but if you ever dere to go up to me or Gio or the twins I won't hesitate on using what I learned as a child
Aidan:what no you can't
Y/n:watch me ,Aidan did you actually loved me or was it just of the twins
Aidan just nodded
And with that I left crying inside my mini van
Gio:hey it's goin to be oky what happened with momma and papa is gone you won't have to do what you did before
Flash back
I was 5 and my dad was a drug dealer so he put me and my brother to fight and well I we got the hang of it and my dad made us join the gang were we killed people and let me tell you something we killed over 1000 people just for dad ,me and my brother did not like it that's why we are so aggressive with each other we would have to fight each other until one ended in a hospital or nock the fuck out 5years later when I started to date Aidan I changed and I was so happy put my parents didn't want me to put I still did just for him then that's when my parents died in a car accident when I was out in a date with Aidan my parents had to "killed" some one and when there were doing that my parents fell of a Clift and well I wasn't that mad because they made us do stuff that we didn't like and then I got pregnant and my pass is pass so know I'm a better person and yes I still have badass part in my blood
Flash back*
To be continued

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