I Love You, I Think

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The curtains which were attached above the balcony door danced in the cool night air. A few distant sirens went off a few blocks away from the hotel, most likely from an ambulance or firetruck racing off to help some poor soul. Other than that, no one could gather enough courage to make a noise. Any noise, be it a word or a sound, the two teens couldn't figure out what to say.

They've gone too far to stop now, especially since Larry had managed to slip off Sal's large hoodie revealing his bare chest. Larry also had his shirt and jacket off, his tan skin littered with a few chest hairs here and there. A few moles managed to form in random places, but none of them were as large as the one on his cheek.

Sal was surprisingly paler and skinnier than what he previously imagined his torso as being. His rib-cage wasn't exactly flared out while sprawled out on the bed, but Larry could see just how shakily Sal was breathing while beneath the larger male. With every breath Sal took, his stomach rose and fell quickly, almost like he was nervous.

Larry's eyes trailed upwards to meet the other's face and almost smiled. Their faces were red, either from the awkwardness of the situation at hand or from the cold air occasionally causing gusts of wind to force its way into the open bedroom causing their heart rate to go up.

The blue haired male sucked in a breath and met Larry's gaze with a small, excited smile. Larry leaned down again to kiss Sal on the lips, occasionally raking his hands through the blue hair of his lover. His fingers got caught in some tangles, but he carefully undid them and ran through a second time. Sal could feel a tingling sensation on his scalp as Larry continued to do nothing but caress his hair for the time being.

In truth, the two of them had no real idea what they were doing, but Sal tried his best to copy the larger male's movements by wrapping his arms around the back of Larry's neck and caressed his brown hair as well. Sal felt Larry's tongue slide against his disfigured lips, and for a minute Sal felt self-conscious. His breath hitches as Larry deepens the kiss, their bodies practically pressed up against each other and forming warmth.

"Sal..." Larry rasped out. Biting Sal's bottom lip while continuing to kiss, he watches his smaller counterpart jolt and gasp in both pleasure and pain. His eyes squeezed shut despite their best efforts, but Larry only continued staring, his sense of right and wrong dulled by the alcohol still in his system.

"Larry, please," Sal manages out, his hands sliding down to the button on his pants. Using this opportunity, Larry manages to stick his tongue inside of Sal's mouth and does it himself. He fumbles to undo the button and zipper on both his and Sal's pants, and wastes no time sliding his hand into Sal's boxers, earning another bitten back moan from Sal.

Sal was almost crying out now, the noise muffled from Larry's tongue exploring his mouth that he wondered if the sounds he produced were even reaching Larry's ears. He could feel Larry's warm hand start to stroke his dick slowly and teasingly. There was something Sal needed but couldn't place at the moment, so all he could do was enjoy the foreplay for now.

His body was hot, shaking, and needy for Larry, and by now he wasn't ashamed to admit it. His tongue started mixing in with Larry's, their lips smacking together and making sucking noises. There was another ambulance going off in the distance, and for a minute Sal got startled, ultimately leading to Larry clicking their teeth together on accident. He tried to pull away a little to apologize for moving so quickly, but Larry only grabbed him back and gave Sal a tight squeeze. "Don't worry, I got you, Sal." Larry murmured, pressing his forehead against him.

The larger male took advantage of the situation by pulling apart with a pleasured sigh, hoping to gain any sort of reaction from the other. Larry playfully narrowed his eyes at Sal who was almost breathless and running his tongue over his aching lips and begging for more in a silent plea by trembling in a needy way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2019 ⏰

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