✑ first impressions: covers

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FIRST IMPRESSIONS: COVERSIN THIS CHAPTER ✧ the significance of your first impression on a reader before they've even read the first page, talking about cover aesthetics and what you probably want out of a good cover, recommendations for graphic ar...

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IN THIS CHAPTER ✧ the significance of your first impression on a reader before they've even read the first page, talking about cover aesthetics and what you probably want out of a good cover, recommendations for graphic artists here on Wattpad, and more.
FEATURED IN THIS CHAPTERgoodhYOUman , The_Avengers_Devil , tonyxstarks , CannibalisticNecro , evangingtherealm , -stfurose , audreyslark .


What is the very first thing someone sees when they pick up a book or they click on your title?

A cover.

The cover of your book, published or printed, is the very first thing that will either attract or repulse your potential audience pool. Think about it for a second. We tell ourselves to never judge a book by its cover (because the content is unknown, you have 'no way' of telling if you'll like it or not) but subconsciously we are always making judgments and presumptions about anything and everything. It's not something we can help.

Humans are naturally attracted to beauty and things that are pleasing to look at such as symmetry, complimentary colors, handsome men and beautiful women, flowing fonts / fonts that match the tone of the story, atmospheric locations (overview of a city like NYC or even Dubai, forests, nature, etc) and sometimes objects which can catch our attention like a crown or sword.

Covers tell us, subconsciously, what the book is going to be about. And the quality of your covers is something that will always be judged.

If your cover is grainy, unclear, too dark to see, ANYTHING that looks, well, bad — chances are I can tell exactly what your writing style, fluency, and understanding of grammar / spelling / punctuation is. At least on Wattpad, I mean. If I see a cover that looks like it was made with heavy filters, an undoctored image of some actor or actress, a font that doesn't fit there, or a horrible color scheme, then I can probably guess you give about that much care to your writing as you do with your covers.

What I mean to say is — if you don't care enough to get a decent cover for your book, then you don't care about the quality of your work either.

Your writing will be riddled with mistakes, grammar / punctuation errors, and blatantly bad content. I don't mean any of this in a rude way and I'm not targeting this at anyone in particular, I'm just stating what I've come to realize about a certain group of writers on Wattpad. I'm also tired of seeing works like those (the ones with bad writing and cliché or ugly covers) getting all the recognition on Wattpad when we have amazing, talented, wonderful writers like goodhYOUman , evangingtherealm , The_Avengers_Devil , audreyslark , and -stfurose just waiting for love and stardom.

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