Why now?

73 6 1

Poppy and Branch are walking around the forest holding hands. "I'm so happy that you got some time off!" Branch said happily. "It was no problem, now can we sit down?" Poppy Asked. Branch started laughing," sure" he choked out still laughing. Poppy ran over to the closet bench and sat down.  Suddenly a knife when flying at...


Poppy screamed in horror as the knife went in Branches leg. He fell down. Poppy tried to get up but fell down and felt a rope around her leg. "BRANCH! PLEASE SPEAK TO ME!" Poppy said still yelling. " gah! IT HURTS!" Branch moaned before losing consciousness.

"No Bran-mhfhf!" Poppy said feeling a hand cover her mouth. " shhhhh! Don't say a word!" A voice said gruffly from behind. She turned to see...

I'm mean
Also sorry it's short, next chap WILL be longer
Bye 👋

- :D-)—< (still a weird person)

I'm scared Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora