6. Dazed

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Okay, so this is something different. Today I wanted to post an original poem that I made. It's about me, my life, some people around me so it might get a little confusing to understand. I hope you guys enjoy❤️
**An original poem**

How long will this go on?
Will it shatter soon or will the glass remain strong?
But for how long?

When you find out, I guarantee you'll be be angry, but do you know why I did it?
Do you care to know why? or will you just ignore my opinion?
If you ask me why,
Will I be able to tell you? Or will I not have an actual reason?

When you figure out, will you banish me just like you did her before?
Do you still love her? Or is your heart full of pure hate?
Will you still love me? Or will I become the outsider?
You wanted to sell her away to marriage.
I'm glad you didn't,
But now I am part of a club I didn't sign up to be in.

Of course I will fix my ways, but not now.
Some days I will,
The feel of shame is not leaving,
I will pray that you forgive me right as I learn to.
It's causing me immense amount of stress, work and time, but is it me?
Is it who I wish to be?
Or am I just following the example of others?

It's scary to think about what will happen
But my urge to be discharged is strapping.

You said I'm ruining your life that day
Is it true? Or were you just enraged?
If you find out what I'm doing, what I've been up too,
Will I disturb you further?
I know your stressed, I know your irritated, but I know you love me.

I'm sorry I'm so, so sorry
I feel immense guilt
I would tell you how sorry I am, but I can't,
My mouth is taped, stapled shut,
And nothing comes out except graceless attitude,
But I love you,
And I know you know, but I don't want you to know.

I apologize,
I have bad days too so please understand.

You say she's bad but we're all bad in a way.
Because she left doesn't make her in-humane.

Because she altered doesn't mean she changed,
What if she just found herself?

My darling,
I love you to the moon and back
I might not show it,
But I've been held captive by "tough love"

They say: "Do you know who I am?"
But Do I know who I am?

Am I happy?
I feel happy.
I've been very blessed,
but am I happy?

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