The Princess, The Spider, and The Witch pt. 2 (MCU)

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Ok, I made a minor mistake last chapter. Wanda, Shuri, and Peter are Sophomores, not Freshmen.


'Ok, we may have gone a bit overboard.' I mind message the others.

'Ya think?' Wanda mind-messages me.

'If we die, it's your fault Pete!' Shuri MMs me.

Ok, I should probably explain the whole mind-message, or MM, thing.

With Wanda's power of telepathy, the three now have mental links with each other.

Why is Tony so mad?

~3 hours ago~

"Hang on, why did you say Wanda has an epic fashion sense and not me?" Shuri asks me.

"Because you already had a role so I just made a dumb joke, ok?" I sigh.

Wanda steps in front of me and then stops. "Oh, so know you're saying my fashion sense is a joke?" Wanda asks me as she turns around.

"Ok, this conversation is now over." I tell them miserably. "Do you know how hard it is to deal with two girls as a guy?"

"Oh please, suck it up." Wanda sasses as we get into the elevator. "So, where is this laboratory anyway?"

"Downstairs. FRIDAY, take us to Floor 37." I say aloud. "Is Miguel in my lab?"

"Mister Stark Junior, Mr. O'Hara is currently working on Project E-928. Shall I inform him of your coming?" Friday says as we descend to my lab.

"Yes please. Tell him to store it in the storage dock next to SP//dr." I tell FRIDAY.

I hope he listens to me. I hope he listens to me.

Wanda moves so that her arm is brushing on mine. "How do you hope listens to you?" Wanda asks.

"What? I never said that?" I stutter. What the hell is happening?

'Yes, but you thought that, Peter Parker.'

"WHAT THE HELL? Wanda, how are you in my mind?" I yell out.

"Oh, it's pretty simple. Want me to teach you? As a telepath, I can speak to others through their mind. However, I can create a three-way connection for us. And, done! Just think 'Teenage Dorks' and your mind will be able to join the connection." Wanda explains.

'Testing testing 123. Is this thing one?' I ask.

'Affirmative, Spider-Dork.' Shuri responds.

The elevator finally dings, and we rush out of it.

"Ok, so Shuri's laboratory is Lab. 56. However, let's stop at 55 first so I can show you what I've created. And FRIDAY, stop calling me Mister Stark Junior. Call me Arachkid."

"So, Peter, who is this Miguel? Is he a, special someone?" Wanda whispers into my ear.

"NO! He's a, how do I put this? Very interesting case. I'll let the man explain it himself."

We get to the laboratory, and a man, early 20s, runs out of it.

"Peter! It's so great to see you!" Miguel yells as we enter the room. "Who are your friends?"

"Shuri and Wanda, this is Miguel O'Hara. Miguel, this is Shuri and Wanda Maximoff. They have the lab next to us now." I inform Miguel.

"By the way Pete, the army is waiting for you in the conference room. Shall we go?" Miguel asks.

"Tell Morales that I cannot attend the meeting. Tell Peni that SD//dr is almost fixed. And tell me what happens." I say with confidence.

"Moving on from this man, let's enter Parker Laboratory! Please place the palm of your right hand on that pedestal, Shuri." I ask.

Shuri looks at me weirdly. "Why in the world would I do that?"

"Just do it. That's the only way to get into the Lab. Don't ask questions, people will overhear."

Shuri places her right hand into the pedestal. "Greetings! My name is Sparky! Please scan your Stark Industries Card and await further instructions!"

Shuri takes out a card from her pocket. It has a design of a forest made out of electronics.

"Greetings Shuri! I will now check if you have proper permission to enter."

I tap a red button on my wristwatch. "Sparky, add Shuri to Group Spider Army's Allies."

"Access granted, Shuri, Princess of Wakanda. Welcome to the Peter Laboratory!"

I walk up to Wanda. "Okay, now you place your hand on the pedestal."

Wanda walks up to the pedestal and places the palm of her hand on the pedestal. "Greetings! My name is Sparky! Please scan your Stark Industries Card and await further instructions!"

I sign before tapping the button on his wristwatch again "Sparky Override Code 616."

"Override code 'Avengers for Life' has been activated. Welcome, Scarlet Witch."

Wanda walks into the lab as well.

I walk up to the pedestal and shoot a web at it.

"Welcome back, Peter Parker!"

I walk into the room. Shuri and Wanda look at me weirdly.

"What the hell is this? It's just a small room with a door in the center?" Wanda asks me.

"Sparky, unlock the Lab. Wanda, Shuri, please stand back." I say out loud.

The wall in front of us opens, like a futuristic Diagon Alley entrance.

The room is quite the sight to see. There are two decks, separated with a set of stairs, much like a Star Wars ship. You can guess why it's like that.

The door opens into the bottom deck, which has a swarm of small drones flying around the area. There are two desks with various beakers and machine parts scattered in them.

The top deck has several Avengers projects. Blueprints for Captain America's new shield, prototype ark reactors, a line of prosthetic limbs, Widow Bites, and pieces of a Iron Man armor prototype scattered around.

"Welcome to the Parker Deck! Please grab a wristband from the rack on your left and put it on. Do not touch anything without permission, my machinery has a tendency to explode." I instruct that quietly.

Shuri looks like she is about to faint, while Wanda looks bored.

After they put on their wristband, they turn to me.

"Sparky, can you please transfer data from their Stark Card into their wristband?" I ask.

"Completed, Spidey."

"Anyway, you are welcome to look around. I'd like some help with a project if you guys are interested though." I say slowly.

"Hmmm, it depends. What kind of project?" Wanda asks.

"Well, remember Black Panther's necklace, which can turn into his suit? Well, I've been trying to manipulate nanotechnology to expand an emergency Spider-Man suit from a watch. Up for the challenge?" I ask.

"I'm in!" Shuri yells from across the room. "And these lightsabers are awesome!"

"PUT THOSE DOWN SHURI! Wanda, would you like to join?" I ask, changing my tone quickly.

"I don't think I'd be much help, but sure." Wanda says.

And so we start working on the Scarlet Spider Armor.

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