The Soul-Keeper pt. 1 (PJO x MCU)

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This is how it ends.

Who knew the world would end by the earth itself.

We thought it would be the outside forces.

But the earth destroys herself in the end.

"PERCY! WATCH OUT!" Jason yells at me, snapping me back to focus.

I jump to the side, barely dodging an dracaena's spear.

Jason grabs the spear from the dracaena, charged it with electricity, and throws it into the group of monsters crowding Hazel.

We barely hear Leo yell "Yeet!" as it flies through the air.

One the other side of the battlefield, Frank, Piper and Annabeth are fighting Enceladus, Bane of Athena, with Athena and Apollo.

Jason and I pull out our swords, look at each other, and charge.

I jump into the middle of the crowd. I lunge at a hellhound as I throw my sword at an empousa, sticking to the ground as much as possible.

Once I get under it, I grab Riptide from my pocket and uncap it, springing the blade into the beast's stomach, killing it instantly.

Once that monster dissolves, I look up and see Lycaon and his pack ready to tear me to pieces.

I do my classic New York taxi cab whistle and they cover their ears, not used to the sound.

As I feel a familiar tug in my chest, I summon a 20-foot tall water aura around me. I channel my power to the feet.

The water in the feet blows up in a sense, turning into daggers that drive into the wolves' sides. I let the rest of the aura burst and plunge my blade into Lycaon's heart.

Now you may be wondering how my Celestial Bronze sword killed a werewolf even though they can't be harmed by Celestial Bronze.

Well, all huntress' weapons can kill werewolves, regardless of what metal they are made of.

And it just so happens that Riptide was made by Zoë Nightshade, a huntress.

Therefore, Riptide can kill werewolves.

Anyway, after I defeat the pack of dogs or whatever their called, I move onto the bulk of the army.

Empousai, dracanae, hellhounds, blemmyae and venti.

I charge into battle, slashing, stabbing, and dodging for what seems like hours. As the battle dies down I see Gaia in all her glory, gods in chains at her feet.

I look around and see that the Giants have all fallen expect for Porphyrion and Orion. Frank and Hazel are holding Porphyrion back, while Annabeth, Piper and Leo hold Orion back.

Gaia walks up to Jason and I.

"So, these are the great leaders of the Demigod Army. I have something very special for you. Especially you Percy, who has killed more of my children than any other." Gaia snarls.

"What do you want, Queen Dirt Face." I ask her annoyed.


A flash of light appears in front of me, and 11 Primordial Gods walk out.

Ouranos, God of the Sky.

Pontus, God of Oceans.

Thalassa, Goddess of the Sea.

Chronos, God of Time.

Ananke, Goddess of Fate.

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