When The Spiders Are Impersonated pt. 1 (MCU)

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Homecoming happened but without Tony Stark helping him. He created the Stark Shit and the Iron Spider Suit.

Civil War happened but they talked it out.

Peter is in College.

Only Ned and MJ know Spider-Man's identity.

Two New Spider-Themed Heroes Show Up In Queens!

Does Spider-Man Have New Side-Kicks?

A Teleporting Hero and an Electric Powered Hero Appear to be New Allies of Spider-Man!

Is Spider-Man Training Proteges for when he Retires?

Peter grabs the television remote and turns it off. He attaches back-up web-shooters to his arms and puts on his Iron Spider armor. He doesn't really need the web-shooters, seeing as a result with a battle against the Spider Queen he can grow them organically, but he always needs extra web fluid. He quickly opens the window and swings out into the alleyways.

Anyway, somewhere in Queens there are two new spider-themed heroes, and he wants to find them. Of course, there isn't anything wrong with there being new heroes, but he wants to make sure that they know what they are doing. Peter gets back into the groove of web-slinging: launch web from his left hand, swing until it is almost too far, fire one from his right hand, let go of the web in his left hand, and repeat.

While he is swinging down West 38th Street, he hears a loud explosion to his right. 'Finally, some action! Oh wait, that isn't a good thing.'
He launches a web onto the top of Fisk Towers and swings into the middle of the rubble.

'Oh great, the Green Goblin. Won't he ever learn?' Peter thinks as he swings to the bomb-throwing maniac. "Hey Grinch, Christmas isn't for another few months! Go back to your mountain and wait until Christmas Eve!" Peter yells as he launches two webs at Norman Osborn. "On second thought though, maybe you can settle for the Raft with your former teammate Doctor Octopus." He yells as he pulls on the web strings, launching himself at the face of the Goblin. Osborn staggers back, but regains his footing and zooms away on his Goblin Glider or whatever that epic hover board of his.

"Ah great, the twerp has arrived! And too think that my son was your friend! Very well then, I'll try too make sure your death isn't too painful!" He yells as he chucks pumpkin bombs at Peter. Peter jumps away from almost all of them, then webs one up and launches it back at Green Goblin. "Shut it, Greenie. That isn't very nice. Remember, there are kids trying to sleep, and you are keeping them up!" "While I'd like to keep this up, I've got a reunion to get too with Octavius. Something about those two their spide-!" Norman says before shrieking in pain as he gets hit in the face by the bomb.

Two figures swing into the rooftop where Peter is. "Who are you kids?" Peter asks before his Spider-Sense flashes like a police siren. It tells him that these two can be trusted. "Hang on, you guys are like me! Do you two have web-slingers yet? If not, I have a spare set." Peter says before jumping away from Osborn's attack. "Hang on, Smol Hulk, I'm talking to my new Spider-Buddies. So, need some web-slingers?"

The girl in the hood walks forwards. "Both of us need a pair. We've been relying on my warping ability to get around, but dam, it takes a lot of energy." Deciding that the boy needed them more than the girl, her having the warping ability, Peter tosses the web-slingers to him. "Here ya go, slide these on your forearm. Now come on, we've got a discount Halloween monster to defeat!"

"Hold up, how do you expect me to use these, Spider-Man? I've never even tried! I'm known as the Spider's Shadow, but you can call me Miles." The boy now identified as Miles says. "Hello, strange red spandex guy, the names Gwen Stacy, the Ghost Spider. And you are?" The scary girl says. "Welp, the names Peter Parker, The Spider-Man." Peter tells them.

While Peter was talking to the new Spider People, he forgot about something important: the Green Goblin. Norman zooms past him, and he fires a web to catch onto his hover board thingy. "Okay, first rule of being Spider-Man: trust your instincts! Your Spider-sense is your strongest ally, listen to it!" Peter says as he launches a bomb back at the Goblin. "Rule number two, when web-slinging, try to get into a groove. Trust your judgment always!" Peter yells as he launches a web onto the point of a nearby skyscraper to swing at the Green Goblin at high speeds after moving around the spire. "And in the words of a great hero who I've beat up, 'You get hurt, hurt 'em back. You get killed, walk it off.'" Peter says as his webs get sliced at he swings back onto the rooftop.

"Wait, that doesn't make sense, man!" Miles yells as he attaches the web-slingers to his arms. He jumps of the the tower and shoots a web. "WOW, THIS IS AMAZING!" He shouts as he swings towards Peter. Gwen just warps to the group. "Alright, KAREN, activate Stinger Arrangement Alpha!" Peter says aloud, confusing everyone. "Petey, are you sure I should be in the insane asylum? After all, you are talking to imaginary people!" Norman snarls as he goes to knock the spiders of the building. Suddenly a hole appears in the Spider-Man suit and 20 tiny drones swarm out. They fly towards the Green Goblin, turn into spear-shaped contraptions, and stab him in the arms. "Darn you, Spider..." The Green Goblin says, voice slurred, before fainting. Peter swings to him and fires webs to tie him up. "Finally, never kill your enemy, kids. You don't want to be charged for murder." He says as he brings the tied up body to the side of the road.

"Anyway, do you two have a place to stay?" Peter asks Gwen and Miles. "Not really, man. We are from another universe and house ownership doesn't translate between dimensions well." Miles says. "Well, follow me. I have a place for you two to stay. How old are you two?" Peter asks. "Miles is 16 and I'm 17. What about you?" Gwen asks as they swing down the streets. Well, Miles and Peter swing. Gwen just runs, using weird acrobatic skills to keep up. "20 years old. By the way, that's pretty impressive, Gwen. Alright, we're here now!" Peter says as they reach a moderately-sized house. He climbs up the wall to a fire escape. "Well, are ya coming or not?" Peter asks when he sees that the Spider-Kids are just standing there. 'Honestly, they accept my offer and don't climb into the house? Shameful.' He thought jokingly.

Gwen grabs Miles's hand and teleport onto the fire escape after Peter fires two webs to the roof to launch himself upwards. "Follow me, children."Peter says as he leaps through an open window, Peter and Gwen close behind.

They end up in a dining room with two people sitting there eating spaghetti. "Hey Pete, want some?" A woman asks. "That would be great, MJ. These are my new friends Miles and Gwen." Peter says. "Oh, so you heard the news and went to find them?" A man says. "Correct, Ned. By the way, after dinner I need you to make a new set of web-shooters. Gwen needs some. And MJ, can you compile all the information the public has about these two?" "On it, Loser." MJ says. "So, Gwen, I think your name was? What do you feel about being a female superhero in a male-dominated business?" She asks as she prepares three plates of spaghetti.

And as the teens go their separate ways, Miles hanging with Peter, Gwen with MJ; and Ned working on web-shooters, the television turns on. "Breaking News! College Students Flash Thompson, Sally Avril, and Jason Ionello reveal to the world that they are the Spider-Themed Trio! The mystery is finally solved, the defender of Queens is 19 years old!"

And none of them hears that.

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