The Return

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The Return.

Before this starts, I would like mention a few things. First, I want to give these characters actual stories, meaning, etc. Second, I created two of these OC's whenever I was into UnderTale a few years back, and it has been pure hell trying to undo this. The only way I could think of fixing it would be to redo one chracter completely, which could ruin/change the story in a way some people may not like. If there are any changes you notice in any way, this is because of a character change, trying to make them more realistic. There will still be some humor thrown around in here, but some dark themes a little bit, as two of the main characters are murderers, who don't just dance around in the flowers.
Thank you to everyone who actually stuck around, even when this book was bad. Even when I didn't update in months. Even when I was new, didn't know how to do anything, let alone write. You are amazing.


The TV layed sideways, in a place full of ruin, as a women spoke, her words turning more disoriented by the second.

"- Dang----- cri----ls have escaped prison ----- b---g in there -or a little unde- a year. Police have no c-ues or tra--s to know where they -ould be. If yo- have any i--------on on the sub--ct, ple--e cal- --1-----1---, or the police s--tion, and tel- t-em."


The TV cut to static, and a boot kicked it, braking the screen. A feminine voice spoke, "God, who left the news channel on? Let alone watched it." The voice came from a girl, looking to be in her early 20's, with black hair covering one of her eyes. She wore a gray T-Shirt, which was badly torn. Two other people were in the room, one had brown/faint blue hair, with a torn hood and shorts. "You're caring over a damn TV when we just got out of jail." She spoke, and the other one, wearing a torn jacket, with jeans, and orange hair looked at her and smiled, then spoke. "Sanki, what else are you going to do? I mean, we have to lay at least a little bit low for a bit." Sanki's head turned towards her. "Fiania, someone snitched. I don't give a damn if I lay low or not. I had to go to jail with you freaks, I'm getting my revenge." "Jeez, you're supposed to be the good one" Fiania said, and laughed. Kina and Sanki looked at her weirdly, before Kina spoke. "Well. There's only one way to find out who snitched on us." Kina said.


Kina threw down the last person onto the dirt ground, and walked in front of them. There were 7 people, all laying there. The 7 looked up, a British accent speaking first. "What the hell?" "Shut up, now I have a question for all of you." Said Kina, her face behind a mask. "Let us go!" One of them yelled, and Kina ignored it. "Remember me?" She asked, and took off her mask. All of their eyes grew wide with shock, and a different one spoke. "Nu-uh. Nope. No way." "Uh-Huh. Yep." Kina said back, and started to go towards them, when Sanki stopped her. "Kina. Let me do this" She said softly, and Kina let her. Sanki then walked towards the 7, and spoke in a soft tone. "Now, which one of you told?" "We don't know what you're talking about, let us go!" One yelled, and she kicked him in the face. "Shut the hell up Cory, it was probably you." One of them from earlier spoke again. "Woow. Looks like you aren't little goody-two-shoes anymore. Edgy teen years or somethi-" She kicked him, and he stopped talking. "Now, does anyone else want to feel my boots, or will you fess up?" All of their faces turned to one, with green hair, and his face down, shaking. "It was JonJon" All of them said, except for one. "Guys no!" The one yelled, who had red hair. "I figured it was you JonJon, well, I have to have my revenge." Sanki spoke, and the 7 were screaming, while JonJon was shaking even more. Sanki walked over to him, and untied him. JonJon was suprised, but quickly got up. "You're lucky we're friends, JonJon." When suddenly a voice yelled from the 7. "What the hell?! You kicked me in the face but not him?" Sanki then yelled back, "Because you are a bit-" Until Kina cut her off, yelling "-EACH. A beach. You are Flordia, Tommy." Kina then looked at Sanki, after mumbling 'saved' under her breath. "We need a new place. The cops will check here first." "Good idea, we'll make Fiania drag these guys" She replied, and she looked into the darkness, the woods surrounding them. "Alright, let's go."

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