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Sorry I was a little late with this one! By the way, remember this is a Ask or Dare series, feel free to ask/dare anything to anyone.

In the dark there were steps, walking along. In the front was Kina, and in the back was Fiania and Sanki. Between them were seven people, all walking along. "I liked it better when we were teleported." Tommy said, "So did I" Sanki replied. "Well why don't you?" "That's the thing. My powers stopped working." "Must just be plot convenience to.excuse being gone for a long time." "Yeah it probably just is." "Everyone shut up. We'll just stay here for the night" Kina said, "Fiania, you get groceries" "Well then give me 100 bucks" "What the hell do you need 100$ for?" "Well I wanna look nice while kidnapping people, Kina." Kina sighed, "Fine. Here's 100$" Kina handed Fiania a 100, and Fiania walked away. "Where'd you get a hundred?" "Her wallet."

Sanki and Kina were sitting by a campfire, the seven with them, just not near them. There was silence, then muffles, then a person walking towards them. Kina pulled out a gun, and Sanki grabbed a stick. The figure then had someone else behind them, while Tommy was hiding behind a tree, while everyone else was hiding behind a giant rock. The figure then came closer, revealing to be Fiania. "God damn, Fifi say something next time." "Don't call me Fifi Sanki, also I had to take someone." Fiania threw the person on the ground, who was tied up, along with a rag in their mouth. Their hair was fluffy and dark blue, and they were muffle-screaming. "Fiania what the hell, I tell you to get groceries, and you kidnap someone." "Hey, I got groceries too." "That's a chocolate bar." "Well we can live on it, okay?" "God damnit- You're never going shopping again." "But look at my jacket! Look, if I'm going to kidnap, I'm doing it in style." "Look, explain why you kidnapped him first."  Sanki said, and Fiania explained. "Okay, everyone sit down, and I'll tell you why. So, I waa going to town, and I brought me a gun in case of emergencies-" "Fiania, that is the stupidest thing for you to do, you radiate crazy, let alone crazy with a gun." "Shut up Sanki, anyways, I was just.leaving when I was passing by him. I didn't expect anyone at midnight to be walking in downtown, but look at that. Anyways he saw the gun and was freaking out, acting as if he'd never seen a gun before. So..." "So what the hell did you do?" "I told him I had a license and he went on and on about framing me and calling the cops, so I took him." There were loud muffles of annoyance, and Sanki looked at him. "Fiania, that doesn't sound like you." She then took the rag out of his mouth, "Okay what really happened?" Sanki asked, "Well, I was freaking out a bit, but then she pointed it at me and threatened me! So-so I screamed, and I-I ran. She then tackled me a-and tied me up, and here we-we are now." He said, seeming scared still. "Don't worry, they only hurt you if you're annoying. Be cute and you're safe" Ashlie said, "Yeah, that's why Tommy gets beat up a lot here" Cory said. "I'm not annoying!" Tommy yelled, and Kina punched him in the shoulder. "Yeah right." Fiania said, and Tommy fell on the ground, then getting help up from Nick. "Well good job Fifi-" "Don't-" "Now we have another person to feed. Great fu-" Sanki started, before Kina stopped her. "-antastic job!" She said, and they started to argue. Uni un-tied the new guy, and Dawn started to talk. "So, uh, I guess you're in the same situation as us." "Yeah-Yeah I guess I am." He replied, "Well, what's your name?" Nick asked, "Uh, it's Jax" "Well, welcome to hell Jax."

Remember, send Ask's or Dare's in the comments, and don't forget to vote, it helps me feel special.
Don't forget, I also have a art book!

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