We like hate.

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Sorry I haven't been on in a while guys! School has started for me again, and I've had to get used to Algebra this year.

Anyways, todays ask is from @WindingWildRedRoses , thanks for asking!

Kina walked towards the campfire, looking at all of the people sitting around it.

Kina: "Okay so we have another Ask from @WindingWildRedRoses , who asks 'What do you all hate the most about this situation?', Personally, I hate Tommy most in this situation."

Tommy: "What did I do to you!"

Kina: "Existed."

Sanki: "If you two will stop bickering-"

Kina: "He's smelly!"

Tommy: "She's murderous!"

Fiania: "SHUT THE F-"


Excuse us, we are having technical difficulties.

Please stand by.


Tommy was now knocked out on the ground, blood coming from his nose while Kina got up, and dusted the dirt off of her.

Kina: "OK Sanki your turn to answer the Ask!"

Nick: "Are we just gonna-"

Kina and Sanki: "Yes"

Sanki: "I hate the stupid plot convenience that caused my powers to go poof when the author died."

Kina: "I would be too, if I had them."

Fiania: "I hate how Kina won't allow me to stab Tommy in this situation."

Kina: "But why?"

Fiania: "I dunno, just seems fun I guess."

Nick: "Well I hate how I've been kidnapped."

Everyone: "Oh yeah, that."

Ashlie: "I hate no internet."

Cory: "Same here! What if my video just went on trending!"

Kina: "Cory, your videos are never going on trending."

Cory: "I know..."

Uni: "Well I hate how I have to deal with all of your problems."

Kina: "You say that when you're all of our problems."

Uni: "How rude!"

JonJon: "I hate... well actually this situation isn't too bad for me, they gave me a phone and everything."

Ashlie: "What! Why?"

JonJon: "Maybe they just like me better."

Kina: "Yep."

Dawn: "I don't really hate anything."

Everyone: "What???"

Dawn: "I mean, yeah we were kidnapped. We were kidnapped by 3 people just making us do Ask and Dares. It could be way worse. I needed a break anyways."

Everyone: "Eh, true."

Tommy wakes up, and screams out.


Kina kicks Tommy in the head, and he gets knocked out again.

Kina: "Suggest Asks or Dares in the comments below, bye!"

Hey so I wanted to say I'm going to be a bit slower now that Summer is almost over. But still don't be afraid to suggest Ask or Dares; I'll get to them one day!

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