My Inspiration

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"Wake up, little sis. It's time for school." The monotone voice of your eldest sister woke you up.

"Huh..? What-" Your words were overpowered by the sound of your door slamming shut, making you jolt upwards. "Good morning to you also..." You sighed and rubbed the sleep out of your eyes. You then sat up in your bed and stretched your arms over your head. Once the majority of your drowsiness had left your body, you began your daily morning routine.

You threw the covers off your body and pulled yourself away from the comfort of your bed. You then cracked your back before making your way into the bathroom. Inside the bathroom, you picked up your toothbrush from its place and slabbed on a small amount of toothpaste and brushed your teeth. Once you were finished with that chore, you began to wash your face.

Once you had finished your daily duties in the bathroom, you immediately made a beeline for your closet and rummaged around for your school uniform. You pulled out your usual clothes and grimaced at the long navy blue skirt. You hated wearing this thing. The piece of fabric was always getting caught on something.

Once you were fully dressed, you exited your room, ready to greet the rest of your family. You dashed down the large staircase and the moment you got to the bottom, you were greeted by the robot maid of the house, Laura.

"Good morning, miss (Y/N). Did you sleep well?" She inquired. You gave her a small smile and nodded.

"Yes. Or at least I did until I had to wake up." You said as you gave your sister a tired glare. Your older sister ignored you and continued to tap away at her phone. You shook your head at her. Sometimes you asked yourself how you were even related to her. Laura was about to elaborate on your comment when your mother cleared her throat.

"(Y/N), your breakfast is growing cold." She said. You looked down at your plate of buttered toast and pressed your lips into a thin line.

"Mom, isn't two pieces of buttered toast not much?" You pointed out. Your mother frowned at you and straightened in her seat.

"You can't have too much to eat, (Y/N). A proper lady-" You sighed.

"A proper lady doesn't eat a big breakfast." You said as you mimicked your mother's voice. Your mother opened and closed her mouth before giving you a look of disapproval.

"A proper lady also doesn't speak back or interrupt her mother." She told. You mentally shook your head at her. You then sat down in your designated seat at the dining table. Seriously, why did she have to be so naggy all of the time? Your father sat beside you with his usual cup of coffee and morning paper and gave you a sympathetic look with a small smile. He then leaned over to you and ruffled your hair.

"Don't worry, kiddo. I've made sure that you'll get a hearty lunch today." He whispered and gave you a small wink. You smiled at him and dug into your food. Soon, the second oldest sister entered the dining room and plopped herself down beside your mother.

"Good morning, Mom!" She greeted with a large smile. Your mother returned her smile.

"Good morning, Camie. Did you sleep well?" She asked. Camie nodded as her fork hovered over her salad.

"Yeah. I had a ratchet dream! You want to hear it?" Your youngest sister, (S/N), smiled cheerfully at her and jumped up and down in her seat.

"I do, I do!" She exclaimed. Your mother rested her hand on her head, ceasing her frantic movement.

"Now now, (S/N). that is not how you act at the dining table." She scolded. Your sister pouted at her and drooped her head slightly.

"I'm sorry." She whimpered. Your mother's frown was immediately replaced with a happy smile and she brought the small 4-year old into her arms.

Copper Heart // Astro Boy x Reader // 愛してるWhere stories live. Discover now