On Halloween Night

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"Absolutely not!" Your mother refused your offer.

"M-Mom, please! I've never been able to celebrate Halloween before." You begged as you clasped your hands together and pressed them against your chest.

"I said no! And that's final!" Your mother put her foot down, literally. You winced at the bad mood you were putting her in. But you just had to know why she wouldn't let you go out with your friends.

"I don't understand, why? Is there something I'm missing? I said I'd be home at a reasonable time, and I wouldn't eat all the candy at once." You reasoned and bit your lip and looked down, trying to fill your thoughts with some solution.

"(Y/N), dude." Camie began and walked up behind you. "Mom doesn't want you to go because Halloween is super icky." She said and patted you on the back. "It's not the kind of stuff a-"

"A lady does!" You mother interrupted your sister. "Thank you, Camie dear."

"No prob, Mom." Camie flashed her a grin and left with that. You sighed and looked up at your mother. This called for drastic measures.

"O-Okay, mother. I understand." A downhearted sigh left your chest.

"Good. Now you may go to your room and talk to your friends from afar." She said and gave you a gentle pat on the head.

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight, Mom." You still showed your mother your frown as you walked upstairs to your room but once you were surely out of sight, a smile arose on your face.


You tried to zip up the back of your white dress but failed to do so. "C-Come on!" You tried to reach your arm down to pull the zipper up. You let out a breath of defeat. 'I'll just ask Astro to do it up for me.' You moved closer to your window. Were you really going to do this? Sneak out? You puffed up your chest and shifted your thoughts towards the boys who would be waiting for your arrival. You opened your bedroom window and began to move out. Whilst you were descending from your window, you silently cursed at the dress for getting caught literally on every single thing possible. You suddenly wished you brought your wedding costume in a bag or something. Before you could carefully get down, Camie called your name.

"(Y/N)!?" This made you lose balance and fall to the floor below your bedroom window. You quickly got up and looked to see Camie was also hanging outside of her window. You stood up, as she jumped down to the floor to come see if you were alright. "What are you doing here?" You looked her up and down. She was wearing a black spandex with a leather jacket and a purple mask with ears pointing off them.

"You're sneaking out too??" You whispered in shock.

"W-What?" Camie froze, then looked you up and down. She was clearly unimpressed by your corpse bride costume. "Okay- Maybe I totally am, but you are too now? How long have you been sneaking out?" You looked at Camie with wide eyes, her asking this question meant she'd been sneaking out for much longer than you realized.

"I haven't done this before." You mentioned to her and shook your head no. "You've been doing this for a while?"

"Well, yeah. I can't handle not being able to spend Halloween with my besties." She shrugged, then breathed out a sigh. "Alright, let's make a promise. I won't tell Mom you snuck out if you do the same."

You nodded. "Of course!"

"AND, if we need to make excuses for each other about why the other isn't home, or late for dinner, etcetera, we will." You nodded in agreement and put your hand out for her to shake. And she did. "Alright then." She stood up straight. "I'll see you-"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2019 ⏰

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Copper Heart // Astro Boy x Reader // 愛してるWhere stories live. Discover now