Never Seen A Tomboy Where A Skirt?

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"Wake up!" Eliza yelled as she banged her fist on your door a few times, enough to wake you up. You shot out of bed, alarmed. It took you only a few seconds to realize what the loud noise was. You didn't hear her give you any instructions so you assumed she just needed to wake you up. Thank God she wasn't going to choose your clothes. That way you could avoid her seeing you change.

You rubbed your eyes in an attempt to wipe away the sleepiness that made you want to jump back into bed and sleep for another few hours. You groggily searched through your cupboard for a change of clothes that suited your mother's tastes but was also comforting to the male body.

"A pink jumper and... some baggy jeans." You smiled lopsidedly and quickly slipped on your clothes. Your sister's scarf would also come in handy since it's rather cold in the mornings.

After choosing some suitable clothes, you began to commence your daily routine. After you had brushed your teeth, brushed your hair and made your bed, your need for the bathroom arose. A sudden feeling of dread passed you and your checks began to feel hot. You almost forgot about your male body but you definitely remembered now. You gulped and your body stiffened as you marched yourself over to the toilet.

A minute or so later you stepped out of the bathroom and felt a shiver roll down your spine. You never wanted to take your pants down again. You took in a deep breath, straightened your back and made your way down downstairs and into the dining area.

"Good morning miss (Y/N)." Laura greeted. The sudden noise made you jump, but you calmed down quickly, noticing it was only your friendly robot maid.

"Good morning, Laura." You responded to her while finishing making yourself a quick bite to eat.

"Why are you in such a rush? Is something the matter?" She inquired.

"I'm going to school early." You mentioned. You then sighed in defeat, you couldn't find your bag anywhere. "Laura, do you have my bag?" You asked and turned around to face her. Well, she did. It was in her hands.

"Here." She handed it to you. "Why are you leaving early? If I may ask again." You decided to avoid answering her. You didn't want to lie to Laura so staying silent was the best option. "Your mother will ask me why, so I'd like to be able to tell her."

"Tell my mother I went early to join a club." You nodded. "I'll see you after school, Laura, goodbye!" You waved to her and made your way to the exit of the house. Laura waved to you as you left.


'What do I do now? I've come so early that nobody is here, only a few teachers.' You thought to yourself. 'Maybe I'll walk around to see where everything is.' You nodded and began your journey around the school.

As you arrived at the back of the school, you noticed there was a soccar field, but before you could see if anyone was playing, you heard someone scream.

"HEADS!" You sucked in a sharp breath as a ball whizzed passed your face, just missing it. This sudden occurrence made you stumble and fall to the ground with an 'oof' You blinked a few times, dazed, and looked up to see a group of boys running up to you. They all sported the same typical uniform which consisted of a yellow shirt with a matching pair of blue pants and a white cap. Each of them held a look of concern as they stared down at you.

"Woah! You okay?"

"Aw man, you're luckly that didn't hit you, mate!"

"Yeah, super lucky!"

"Here, let me help you up, bro." A tanned hand reached down to you. You gently took his kind gesture and the boy roughly pulled you up, making you almost lose balance again.

Copper Heart // Astro Boy x Reader // 愛してるWhere stories live. Discover now