The New Beginning

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"I... I would like to move schools!" Your father's newspaper slipped out of his hands as your mother stared bewilderedly at you.

"C-Change schools? What utter nonsense! There is nothing wrong with the school you go to now. Our family has attended that school for three generations and I don't plan on breaking that cycle any time soon. You will not be changing schools, you will continue your studies as per-usual." Your mother stated. You gave her a look of disbelief.

"B-But Mom-"

"I said no! And that's final. You will not be changing schools, you will continue to attend your current school and study how to be a lady!" She yelled. You bit your bottom lip as tears threatened to spill. It was always like this. Your mother was just that unreasonable. Out of desperation, you turned towards your father. He was your final hope. Your father jumped at the sudden attention and he glanced up warily at his wife.

After debating with himself on the matter, your father cleared his throat.

"W-Well, it couldn't hurt to try new things." A big heartwarming smile broke out across your face as your mother turned towards your father in disbelief.

"(F/N)!" Your father picked up his newspaper from the kitchen floor and straightened it out.

"What? All I said was that it couldn't hurt to try new things. If she doesn't like the school she goes to, then how do you expect her to be happy?" He explained as he folded the paper in his hands. Steam came out of your mother's ears as she writhed in anger.

"What about being a lady!?"

"And what about her happiness?" Your mother opened and closed her mouth at his words. You stood awkwardly between the two. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. With a heavy sigh, your mother rested her hand against her forehead and fell back into one of the dining chairs.

"You want to change schools so badly? Fine then. Be my guest. However," you gulped as your mother looked up at you and gave you a look of disapproval. "You will have to maintain your grades and study much harder from now on. I expect you to get more than eighty percent on all of your quizzes and if you don't maintain top marks in all of your subjects, you can say goodbye to your new school." She explained.

Your eyes widened at your mother's conditions. You then smiled brightly at her and nodded your head.

"Yes ma'am." Your mother waved you off and rested her head in her hands.

"I need to lay down..." She trailed off. You and your father spared a short glance towards one-another before sharing a quick high-five and grinned wholeheartedly at each other. You then dove into his arms and nestled your head into his chest.

"Thank you, Dad. You're the best." You whispered. Your father ruffled your hair and chuckled.

"I know." You smiled at him. You then turned towards your mother and wrapped your arms around her.

"Thanks, Mom." Your mother flinched slightly before slowly returning the hug. You pulled away from her embrace and stood back. You then turned around and began walking towards the stairs. Before you could ascend them, your father called out to you.

"Hold on for a sec, kiddo." You turned towards him questioningly. "What kind of school did you have in mind?" He inquired. You thought to yourself for a moment. You hadn't really thought about what school you wanted to go to. Anywhere was fine, as long as you didn't have to act like a lady 24/7. Your thoughts then swung around to the boy you had met earlier. Astro.

"I... want to go to a public school. One where I don't have to wear a uniform." You said. Your mother whipped her head towards you in shock while your father gave you a small thumbs up.

Copper Heart // Astro Boy x Reader // 愛してるWhere stories live. Discover now