Death of the Individual

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When Jaden awoke, he found his chocolate brown eyes meeting a deep blue. He didn’t expect to actually survive what he had been through, since he was conscious when he realised that he was not breathing.

Still, he didn’t want to ponder further onto the thought, and so he sighed deeply. He looked around – seeing that it was literally just one, big corridor, dyed in blue.

He groaned, and going with instinct, took a left down the massive corridor. He noticed a painting that looked like some rocks on top of water, but it didn’t seem to have a title, which made him brush it aside.

The corridor itself was nothing special. That is, until he realised that there was writing on the wall. Not necessarily writing, but just one word. ‘Come’.

Come? To where? Jaden wondered, as his eyes anxiously scanned the corridor, looking for some sort of comfort. He didn’t want to admit to himself that he was actually scared about what was happening to him. No-one would blame him either, if he did admit his fears.

At the end of the corridor stood a beautiful red rose in a dull, grey vase; sat neatly on a table -he picked it up and smiled, placing the rose in his pocket. Jaden realised a door stood behind the table, and so he moved it to get access.

He slowly pushed the door open, wondering what could await him on the other side. It was just a painting of a girl with some blue key on the floor of the room; nothing special. At least, that’s what registered in Jaden’s mind.

Looking at the picture first, he noticed that some of the words where smudged and he couldn’t make them out.

“When the rose blanks, you too will blank away...Sounds fantastic!” He rolled his eyes and turns his back to the painting while talking, picking up the blue key which fit perfectly inside his trouser pocket.

Of course, he didn’t see that the painting opened its eyes and now its mouth was in a wide grin, blood (more like red paint) dripping from the sides. It was something he didn’t need to see, anyway.

His eyes widened when he exited the room. The repeated word on the wall had changed colour to a deep crimson, and it now read ‘thief’.

“Was I not supposed to take those? Oops.” Was all he had to say on the matter, as he walked down to the other end of the corridor, stopping abruptly when ‘thief’ suddenly appeared on the floor in front of him.

He jumped over it with a small grunting sound and continued onward. The words didn’t really have an effect on Jaden at all; he was more care-free than usual because believe it or not, this gallery was catching his attention.

Yes, an art gallery was catching the Jaden Yuki’s attention. Fascinating indeed.

At the other end of the corridor was a painting of a fish. Yet again, the word in the middle of it was smudged away.

“The something fish. I could put any word in there. Hm...The duelling fish...the banana fish...the food fish!” Jaden laughed at his own child-like style and then examined the painting closer. It just looked like a fish made up of pixels. Nothing too special. The squares that made up the fish were black, and the fish was on a grey background.

“I got it!”Jaden balled up his fist and slammed it into his palm. “The square fish! It has to be! I mean it’s made up of squares, so...”

Now slightly confused, Jaden continued his journey and moved on to the blue door that was beside the fish. He used the blue key that he had picked up earlier and walked through.

At first, he thought he was going crazy.

“Damn. People obviously have a lot of time on their hands to make each and every room a different colour!” He stated.

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