Chapter 6

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Virgil was sitting in the cafeteria when he was approached by Roman. "Hey Virge, how are you?" Roman asked, almost spilling his coffee all over the table. "I'm good dude, How are you, what have you been up too recently?" Virgil asked. "Oh you know, annoying the fuck out of my twin, wondering how your scandalous relationship is going... the usual" He replied with a giggle. "Wait you have a twin?!" Virgil exclaimed. "Yeah, I thought everyone knew. My twins' name is Remus. He's in your class Virge. And don't worry. I haven't told him about you and Logan. Speaking of which, how's that going?" Roman asked. Virgil blushed thinking about the previous days' events. 

"We kind of lost our virginity to each other after class. He drove me to his place by accident instead of driving me home. We cuddled and made out for a while when his neighbour rung the doorbell and interrupted us. I had a peak and fuck, his neighbour was hot. I got so jealous cause he was flirting with Logan. He called him Logie. I think his name was Patton or something. He also brought cookies as I guess he was trying to be neighbourly. Anyway, I started crying and Logan comforted me. He told me all the reason's he loves me and then we ended up kissing and cuddling. I ended up just staying at his house." Virgil explained.

Roman's jaw dropped to the floor. "Damn Virge. I wouldn't have taken you for the virgin type. Not saying that you're a skank or anything but you're an attractive guy. I would've thought that other guys would jump at the chance to date you." Virgil blushed. "Anyway, I have to go because I have another lecture. See you Virge" Roman said in a singsong voice. 

Virgil sat there smiling thinking about his teacher boyfriend. He got so deep in thought, he didn't notice Logan sitting there beside him. "You know, you look really cute when you're deep in thought." Virgil slapped him due to the fact the Logan made him jump. "You know Logan, next time maybe make me aware of your presence instead of scaring the ever living fuck out of me." Logan howled with laughter. Virgil's face was priceless. "I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to. Do you want me to drive you home?" He asked. Virgil nodded, collecting his things and following Logan to his car. 

Virgil spent most of the car ride looking out the window. He did little head bops to the music. He felt comfortable just being in the company of Logan and not talking. He noticed that Logan wasn't going in the direction of his house. "Hey Lo, where are we going? My house isn't this way" Virge asked. "You'll see babe" Logan replied, with a knowing smirk on his face.

Logan pulled up into a drive-in cinema. "Woah Logan this is awesome!" Virgil said. "Well since we met because I teach media and you're my student, I thought that this would make a perfect first date." Virgil blushed. He knew that Logan had really thought this out. 

The beginning few seconds of the movie begun to play and Virgil knew instantly what film this was, Heathers. It reminded him of the first interaction they had where he spoke about JD being a character he felt sorry for. Obviously, this meant something for Logan too. "Logan I love you." Virgil said with a huge grin plastered on his face, paired with a huge blush. "I love you as well Virgil" Logan replied with the exact same grin on his face. The end credits started to play. "Do you want to come to my house again Virgil?" Logan asked. Virgil nodded and smiled at Logan. 

(Smut Warning)

Twenty minutes later they reach Logan's house. As soon as his front door shuts the teacher and the student begin to make out. "You have no idea how long I've been wanting to kiss you, it's all I've been thinking about all day." Logan said between kissed. "Don't worry teach, me too" Virge replied, smiling into the kiss. Logan grabbed Virgil's hand and dragged him to his bedroom. Virgil grabbed Logan's tie, smashing his lips onto Logan's. Logan began to take off Virgil's clothes with Virgil returning the favour. Virgil began to kiss down Logan's body, leaving trails of hickey's behind him. Virgil looked up at the teacher and took Logan's member into his mouth. Bobbing up and down, he kept eye contact with the teacher. "God damn it Virge, you know it's really hot when you do that." Logan moaned out. Virgil smiled and continued. As soon as Logan was about to cum he stopped. Logan smiled and returned the hickeys he received, onto Virgil's chest. He licked Virgil's member like a lollipop. "Fuuuck Logan, m-more please Mr Sanders" Virgil screamed. Logan got his revenge and stopped when Virgil was about to come. He grabbed Virgil's body and placed him on all fours. Virgil loved it when Logan was rough with him. Logan thrust into Virgil. Spanking him with every thrust. "God Virge, you're so fucking tight." Logan moaned out in pleasure. The two boys quickly came and cleaned themselves up. 

(Smut End)

"Logan?" Virgil called out. "Yes Virge?" Logan replied. "I really, really fucking love you." He said, snuggling into Logan's chest. Logan smiled as he began to play with Virgil's hair. "I really, really fucking love you too" Logan replied. He put his other arm around Virgil, holding him tighter. The two boys laid there together, thinking about how lucky they were to have each other.

AN - God it's been a while. I had to read this back just to remember what this story was about. I do love writing this fic though. Even though I don't update it very often. (Sorry lads).

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