Chapter 7

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Patton had decided that he was going to try again to talk with his hot neighbour Logan. He couldn't stop thinking about the way his polo shirt fit him or the fact he wore the tightest skinny jeans in all of existence and how they didn't leave much to the imagination. It then dawned on him that Logan did, in fact, have a boyfriend. He wondered what he looked like so we waited by his door. Waiting. He did this for multiple days until he heard them both. He walked out the door with some cookies and purposefully tripped near Logan. "Oh, I'm so sorry Logan. I'm such a clutz sometimes" He said with a smile. "It is okay Patton. Just watch where you're going next time" Logan said returning the smile. "Is this your boyfriend?" Patton asked. "Yes, Virgil this is my neighbour Patton, Patton this is Virgil" Logan gestured. Virgil awkwardly waved at Patton. "It was nice seeing you both but I really gotta get going. I'm going to a friends house to deliver him some cookies." Patton explained, gesturing to the box of cookies he was holding. "See you boy's later," He said, with Logan and Virgil waving him off. 

Patton smiled to himself, he knew exactly how to break this couple up. He skipped along the street with joy dripping off his fingertips until he got to Remus' house. He knocked on the door and his brother Roman opened the door. "Remus is in his room Pat, just go on up." He said letting him in. Remus smiled at his best friend."Greeting dear friend, what gossip have you got for me this week?" Patton smiled and explained all about the hot teacher neighbour that he had and how his boyfriend was standing in the way of Patton's happiness. He also explained his plan of how to ruin the teacher's relationship. Remus smiled at his best friend. "That sounds like a good plan. You didn't need any creative input from me either. I'm surprised." He said giggling. 

Little did the two best friends know. Roman was outside of the door listening to their conversation. Virgil was Roman's best friend and he wasn't going to let Patton ruin how happy Virgil was with Logan. He knew that he had to warn Virgil and Logan. It would mean that Logan would find out that Roman knew but it would also prove that he could be trusted. 

The next day, Roman looked everywhere for Virgil. He eventually found him reading a book in the cafeteria. "Virgil me and you need to talk now. Do you know where Logan is?"Virgil, very confused lead Roman up to Logan's classroom. The two boys entered the classroom where Logan was marking papers. Roman slammed the door behind him. "Can I help you two boys with something?" Logan asked. "No, but I can help you two with something. And you two might want to sit down." Virgil and Logan sat beside each other waiting to hear what Roman had to say. "Virgil told me about you two being together and I'm really happy for you both. Logan I know you might be mad that Virgil told me but you're going to be thankful in a second. Patton is your neighbour but he is also my twin brother Remus' best friend. He was round my house yesterday. He told my brother that he was going to report your relationship to the headmaster and get you two to split up so he could have you to himself. He's got a huge crush on you Logan. I know that Virgil makes you happy and vice versa which is why I knew I had to warn you guys." Roman explained to the two boys. 

Virgil was shocked. He knew that Patton had feelings for his boyfriend but to do that was pure evil. Logan was also in shock. Patton always seemed so sweet and caring to him and he thought Patton was his friend. Logan quickly realised that Patton saw them in their lanyards yesterday and that's how he came up with his plan. "Ok, so we need a plan so I and Virgil can stay together and I can also keep my job." Logan announced. 

The three boys sat in the classroom brainstorming ways they could trick the school board into thinking that they were just friends and nothing more. With Roman's help, they came up with the perfect plan. "Thank you so much Roman for bringing this to our attention. I'd also like to thank you for keeping our secret but also for helping to protect it. It must have been hard to betray your brother's trust." Logan said to Roman. "It's fine Logan. Virgil here is my best friend and you make him so happy. I knew I had to protect him. Plus Remus would have done the same thing for Patton." He explained. Roman left the classroom and gave off a wave to the teacher and the student. He was glad he could protect his best friends happiness. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2019 ⏰

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