Prologue (Important Info)

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Hi! My name is Mashayla, it's nice to meet you! 🥰

This is my first attempt at writing on Wattpad and I'm kinda nervous. I've never really written anything like this but I'm excited to try!

So, I hope you enjoy and thank you for your time!


As stated in the summary, this book is a mess and I'm a shitty writer *shrug* I'm not a good writer, but it's summer and I have no friends so this is what I'm doing in my freetime. It's basically naruto, but everyone's gay. I follow the timeline of the series and major plot points while also implementing very gay moments and steamy yaoi scenes when I deem necessary! (but probably not until later when I establish the plot) I'll probably change the plot a lot, I'm just gonna wing it honestly.

enjoy! (constructive criticism is welcome!)



Naruto's POV

"In the beginning, I had nothing... except Team 7, with you and Sakura." Sasuke looked at me with forced disinterest.

I trail off, silent for a moment. Remembering that mission in the Hidden Mist.

"There was one moment when I knew you were meant to be in my life. Meant for me." I watch him carefully as I speak, lunging unpredictably for a suprise attack is not out of character for him.

"And what moment was that?" Sasuke responded.

Sasuke responded... he actually responded.

"The second time you saved my life." He looked up with slightly more interest, actually listening to what I was saying now.

"The first time you saved my life was when you became my rival. You gave me purpose and a goal, each and every day. It made it easier to ignore the villagers hate and everything else wrong with my life." I look down, my voice slightly shaky now.

How does he still have this effect on me?

"The second time was," I pause, not sure how to continue on just yet. "intentional, on your part."

Sasuke looks up at me, making eye contact for the first time since we've been standing here.

His eyes are beautiful. Still cold and guarded, but more mature now... more open, in a sense. I wonder what he sees while looking into my eyes. Can he see my longing? My aching want?

I break away from the breathtaking raven's eyes and look down at my hands again, taking a deep breath to calm my nerves.

"It couldn't have been more than our fifth or sixth mission, but you were already so much more experienced than me. I used to watch you as you battled and wondered what you were thinking," I feel his stare on me so I finally look back up at him, wishing I hadn't and feeling my reserve weaken once again. "I would wonder who you were thinking about."

At this, he looks away first, seemingly fixed on something in the distance. But I know that I now have his full attention, so I press further.

"It's true that back then I didn't really offer much to Team 7 except humor to lighten a bad situation and the occasional save. It's also true that you cared for me," I stop, wondering why I used the past tense for care. "maybe even still care for me."

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