Chapter 1

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As I'm looking for a place to sit I see a desk in the back right corner. I walk over to the empty double desk and sit closest to the wall in case someone wants to sit next to me. Oh who am I kidding who wants to sit next to me? I take out my book and start reading as the teacher walks in.

"I will take roll raise your hand when you hear your name" he said

"Cheyenne" he called out. "Here" said a girl with red hair. He called out a few more before he called me name, "maximum"

"Here and it's max" I said then went back to reading.

Once he was done with my name someone walked into the classroom

I didn't look up because I was at a really good part in my book.

"Sorry I'm late sir" said a student. I looked up to see the kid. When I looked up I saw something so beautiful. He was about 6 feet tall he had brown hair and blue eyes he was wearing a button down shirt and blue jeans.

"What's your name?" Asked the teacher.

"My name is Marcus" he said.

"Okay go find a seat Marcus" the teacher said.

I was already reading my book again when he decided to sit next to me. I looked up and gave him a smile before reading again.

"What's your name" Marcus asked

"I'm Max short for Maximum" I said back.

"That's a cute name just like you" he said.

I'm not cute I have black hair my skin is pale and I have freckles with bright green eyes and I'm 5 foot 4.

"Charmer are you?" I asked.

He just smiled and let the teacher talk.

"My name is Mr. Fuentes and I'm your history teacher welcome to 9th grade, today--"

I tuned him out and stared at the boy with my book still in my hand.

He looks at me and smiles and my cheeks burn and by the way he is laughing my face is really red. I look back at my book and read for the rest of the period. When the bell rings I put away my book and get up and I walk out the door.

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