Chapter 3

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Marcus POV

When I saw her take off into the sky I knew what I had to do. I still gasped though. She heard me and fell startled. I was about to ask if she was okay but instead I said "that was cool" and she told me to not say anything and so I decided to leave and go home instead of going back to school. When I get home I call the scientists and tell them I found her and to send the erasers. Yes erasers they are half man half wolf and they have red eyes a snout and a lot of fur, they wear clothes and walk upright but are extremely fast they also have claws. They are out to get Maximum and the rest of them. If your not following we made two others like Max. One is named Fang he is 15 the same as Max except he is 1 month younger, he has jet black hair pale skin and he wears only dark clothing. The second is Angel she is 6 and he has strawberry blonde hair and she has baby blue eyes and she carries a bear around she named Celest, and she likes to wear dresses. Once I finish the call I tell myself to just wait she will be mine eventually. I just smile creepily and think about Max.

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