Chapter 6

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I open my eyes and see the ceiling of an unfamiliar room. I sit up and look around. I'm in a ned with light blue sheets and a dark blue blanket. There is a window and a door. I get up slowly and go to the door. I open the door and step into a hallway. I hear voices down the hall so I walk in the direction of the voices. When I step around the corner I see Fang, Angel, and another person.

"Hi" I say. When they hear me they stop talking and look at me.

"Hey are you okay you were out for a few days" Fang said. "Oh and this is Nudge, but he real name is Monique" she is also like us and she is the last of our kind just us four"

"Okay" I say. "What happened?"

"Well you were shot and lost a lot of blood which made you pass out but we got it out and patched your arm up" Fang says. "Thanks" I said.

"Angel why don't you go show Max her room if she decides to stay" Fang says.

"Okay!" Angel says in a cheery voice. I followed as she went down the hall skipping. I smiled and thought this could be a new start. "Here it is!" She said excitedly. I smiled and walked in. She came in after me and said "are you going to stay here with us?" She asked. I almost said yes but I said "maybe" instead. She looked sad for a second then smiled again. "Okay! But I hope you stay!" She said and pretty much skipped out of the room.

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