Chapter 7

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I must have fallen asleep because I hear someone calling my name and my eyes pop open. I looked up to a freaked out fang. What happened and why did I sleep through it? I asked myself. "What?" I said in panic mode now.

"We have to go they found us come on!" Fang yelled. I was going to grab my parents picture but I was being pulled out of bed. I was almost completely naked. Fang looked at me from top to bottom. I was blushing but I slipped my pants on and grabbed my leather jacket. And rushed out of the room with a shocked Fang. We ran into the almost gone living room and saw Angel on the floor crying and Nudge trying to get her up while the erasers are coming through the hole. "Go I'll get her!" I screamed at Nudge. She looked at me nodded and ran through the back door with Fang following. I grabbed Angel and ran through the back door. I have her to Fang and yelled, "go I'll catch up!" He gave me a questioning look but nodded his head and took Nudge and Angel into the air. As soon as they are gone I turn and see 3 erasers looking at me. I kick the first one in the gut an watch as he falls. The other two charge at me and one holds my arm back and I kick back and the second one punched my nose making it bleed. In a second two of them had my arms and the third one kicked my gut. I lost my breath I try to kick one of them in the back of the leg but I was once again punched. Now I was bleeding and bruised. I was still struggling but out of nowhere Fang came and killed one of the erasers. I was shocked but only for a second then I got out if the other ones grip and put my hands around his neck and snap it. Me and Fang get the last one and when it's done I'm bloodied and bruised. I look at him and say a quick thanks. "Your welcome" he said, "But you can't do that again without one of us you could've been killed"

"Why do you care" I asked

"Why wouldn't i?" He asked

"I don't know" I said and looked down. "Where are we going?" I ask.

"We found a cave come on" he said and took off. I flew after him and caught up fast. We flew for about 10 minutes before landing by a cave opening. When we got there Angel was waiting. "You guys are okay!" Angel screamed and ran up to us and hugged both of us. "Nudge is asleep" she said and went to the cave wall. I sat next to her and pulled her into my lap. I rocked back and fourth until she fell asleep. I layes her down softly and looked up to see Fang smiling.

"What" I asked

"Nothing" He said

"Whatever" I mumbled and walked out if the cave. I sit by the ledge and hang my feet over the edge. I though about how this is my new family. Then my thoughts went to Fang. I thought of his lips mostly. I smiled and sat there looking at the dark sky. Fang came and sat next to me. I looked at him.

"I'm sorry" I said

"For what" he asked

"I brought them here they must've followed me from Michigan"

"You didn't bring them here" he said

"Yes I did why else would they--"

He kissed me I was shocked and didn't do anything. He looked at me and I just sat there.

"I I'm I should go check on nudge and Angel" he said nervous

"Wait" I said he looked at me and I kissed him and went into the cave. I was smiling and laid down next to Angel and Nudge. I was asleep within minutes.

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