Chapter Thirteen: Mariposa (Part 2)

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Chapter Thirteen (Yolo)

My real name isn't actually Yolo.

But we'll keep that between us.

Now, what was there to say about Camp Savior? Well, the geographical layout of the camp was rather nice. I enjoyed the forest and the animals that came along with it. The cabins were heated in the winter, cooled in the summer. Three bunk beds, six guys per cabin and a cabin counseler that visited every so often. A beautiful lake that was perfect for skinny dipping in as well as beautiful nature trails that went the full length around the camp grounds.

Everything else? Well, as my people say, que mierda! What shit.

The camp itself was some kind of prison. Three meals a day, cheesy activities to keep you educated and active. Counselers who bullied you and used religion as an excuse. And the head counseler, Eric, was as bunch of a douchefuck as all the other counselers. He was like Hitler leadng the Nazis, except he worked on your brain.

It didn't help that half of the camp was buying into his preachy bullshit. He would press into us, telling us how worthless we were, how sick and gross and demonic we were. Half the camp would sink back and start praying for forgiveness and sneaking in straight porn to try and convert themselves.

Oh yea, like that was gonna work.

But I preferred the side of the camp that didn't.

And that side included my cabin mates.

First, there was our newest member. His name was Dominic Smith. He was a cute little thing with hair as black as night and eyes as blue as the sky. He reminded me of those China dolls the way his skin was smooth like porcelain. He also knew what style was. He wore just the right clothes and plenty of black. Strange because he wasn't depressed or anything. He was usually smiling.

Then there was his secret boyfriend, River Lee. River was the oldest of us all, with sandy blonde hair and hazel eyes. He had the sexy muscled body of a professional swimmer and he could pull off a speedo better than any model I'd ever seen. Too bad he was a prick half the time. He didn't really show you what he was thinking and the only emotions I'd ever seen him have were anger and exhaustion. Did that last one even count?

Oh yea, so after him was Derrek Johnson. Derrek was an attractive brunette with light blue eyes and manly stubble on the lower half of his face. He was pretty sarcastic and douchy and thought he was all that. I would never understand why Ryan liked him.

Ah, Ryan Schuff. Ryan was pretty cute in a dorky kind of way. His brown hair was cut super short and his matching eyes were always sparkling like he was up to something. I'd be lying if I said that didn't turn me on. He was the peacemaker of our group, constantly trying to get people to calm down, but he could be such a negative thinker sometimes the way he thought Derrek didn't like him.

And then there was Kyle Finn.

Kyle was beautiful. His hair was a light brown with lighter highlights, darker lowlights. His eyes were light baby blue and so attractive. I loved blue eyes so much. And I loved Kyle so much. It was pretty obvious and I made it that way so Kyle would notice me, but like a good portion of the camp, Kyle was too scared to do anything about it because he didn't want to get in trouble with his parents or get kicked out of our cabin.

That pissed me off, but I understood it, I suppose.

It just drove me nuts having to stand so close to him and being unable to do anything about it.

Like standing next to him in the breakfast line. He was wearing his baggy black sweatpants and basketball jersey over black underarmour. He was even still wearing his fluffy gray socks as he reached out, dropping gravy over his biscuits before he yawned.

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