Pandora's Box

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Levi and Ares stood feet from each other. Ares had his weapon drawn and ready to kill Levi should he move a step closer. Levi however paid no attention to the blade. It wasn't even forged in hell so him dying was out of the question. The fact that these demon hunters even entered the castle was suicide.

"What do you mean by you let us in?" Ares questioned Levi.

"I allowed you to enter my castle..." Levi rephrased.

"I'm here to kill that woman. so I'm telling you one final time...move" Ares pointed his sword at you who slept through all the noise.

"You're picking fights with a teenager?" Levi seemed unamused.

"Alright. Get on with it then." Levi told Ares giving him an opening to your defenseless self.

Ares was confused. Was the devil himself gonna allow him to kill you without a fight? Levi staered at him with no emotion in his eyes making Ares even more wary. He was planning something but he had no clue what it was.

Ares walked slowly toward you. He raised his sword as if planning to swing it directly at you but instead of swinging down on you he swung it to the side where Levi stood. Levi dodged the blow but just right before Ares friends showed up blocking the entrance.

"Let's make a deal." Levi spoke to them as he sat on the bed. He pulled you into his lap and held you against him bridal style. You were completely passed out and had no idea what was happening.

Ares and his friends stood their ground being cautious of every movement Levi made.

"I can kill her right now and release Pandora..." Levi told them placing his palm around your thin neck. His sharp nails grew and pierced your (s/c) skin letting a bit of blood flow. They all stood an even more offensive stance hoping he'd remove his palm from you.

"...or let her live with me peacefully where I will watch over her and our offspring. After all, releasing pandora will only hurt heaven and the living realm. You wouldn't want that now would you?" Levi questioned them.

"We're not dumb enough to let you breed with that thing. She is a danger to this realm too!" Susan hissed at Levi.

"All my offspring are bound to me and cannot disobey me!" Levi explained.

"Well what about her?" Susan questioner Levi again.

"She's merely teenager with carnal desires. All I have to do is keep her satisfied."

"NONE OF THIS MAKES SENSE!! I AM SENDING HER BACK TO THE LIVING REALM TO DIE PROPERLY THIS TIME!!!" Ares shouted before charging at Levi and stabbing you. The blade reached him as well but Levi did not flinch even a bit.

"I'm sending you home for a bit. Wait for me." you heard Levi whisper into your ear before you were overtaken by freezing temperatures. Your body shook from the low temperatures and you opened your eyes to find yourself in a forest. The sky was blue, unlike hell. The only thing you had with you was the blanket you were sleeping with earlier.

Your heart dropped with fear and looked around closely to figure out where you were exactly.

"Levi?!" You shouted. Upon closer inspection you figured out where you were. These were the woods right behind your house when you were still alive.

"No! This can't be!" You trembled. You made your way out of the woods till you reached your house. It looked empty and was covered in yellow crime scene tape.

You could only assume that your parents went to jail after murdering you. You went inside the house and saw the whole place was covered in graffiti and broken items.

"Levi what did you do?" You whimpered believing he abandoned you. "What did I do." You cried falling to the ground on your knees and crying.

~~~Several days later

"What do you mean you can't find her?" Hanji panicked.

"She must have removed my pentagram somehow." Levi told her.

"How would that even be possible?" Hanji questioned becoming more angry with Levi. Pandora's box just roaming the living world without a lock and Levi lost track of it.

There was two mistakes Levi made.

1. Assuming you would be safe on your own in the living realm despite being a full demon
2. Sending you to the place where your darkest memories lingered.


"(Y/N)-sama. Please accept this offering." A man approached you kneeling in front of you holding out a human heart in his hands.

The night you appeared back in your previous home you were forcibly taken by shadows into the woods. Every night they bring you offerings. Mostly human organs in hopes you let them release Pandora's box. You do not know what they mean exactly but each night your body yearns for a males touch. They erased Levi's pentagram and no matter how many times you tried to redraw it he could not hear you.

There were several figures whose faces you could not see. You were weak craving Levi's touch. They all eagerly waited for you to sleep so they could take you themselves.

"We must not taint the Devil's property. You all need to stand back." Another figure shouted.

"He has abandoned her as he did us all. She is no longer his property!!

"But she possessed his mark. He will come looking for her!"

"I say we take her now before he finds her. Whoever controls her offspring will rule everything!!"

As they all became distracted you ran further into the woods and unexpectedly created a portal. You could not stop in time and went right through it falling down into a pond. You recognized the place. It was the castle's garden!! You were finally back in hell!!

"(Y/N)!" Gabriel called out to you shocked to see you were back.

"Gabriel!" You exclaimed. You never thought you'd see the day where you'd be happy to his face.


Sorry there's so much going on here I'm just having so much writers block right now. Anyway thank you for sticking with me and I hope you all continue to read my stories!!!

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