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I woke up late this morning, I could tell by my mother yelling at me. I got dresses quickly, throwing on some jean shorts and a vintage tie dye crop top as well as my denim jacket and some combat boots and a beanie.

 I grabbed my back quickly and made my way to school with my headphones in ear to my surprise Mikey was here today to pick Luke up. Huh so he decided to go to school.On the way to school I could stop thinking about the kiss, LUKE KISSED ME! I internally screamed.

Did I even like him, I don't even know. Stop it y/n, stop letting people in, you have shayela that's all you need. I scolded myself mentally. I needed to tell shayela.

As I walked into the school I went past my locker and grabbed my books, then shayela came up to me, "heyyyyyyy y/n" she said, "omg you are way too happy why" I asked"okay okay well.... Cal asked me to be his girlfriend" she said "Cal? What about calu.... Oh ha-ha I'm dumb that is calum" I said laughing at my stupidity.

"yeah so we are official now I'm so happy, you're like a good luck charm I swear you always have" she said"aww I love your shay" I said "I loveeee you toooo" she said stretching out love and to, to be dramatic. "I have news too but I don't know if it's good" I said. "wait what is it, I already know about the black eye soooo" she questioned me Sceptically.

"well Luke broke into me room last night an...." I was cut off by her. "he WHAT" she said shocked,"let me finish, and he was trying. I don't know comfort me I guess because he seen what happened, anyways I got mad at him for being in my room and ranted to him saying why do you even care and well .... He may or may not have kissed me....twice" I said to quickly.

 "did you just say Luke hemming's kissed you with no intentions of fucking you!?!" she said. "ahh... Yeah he also called me princess which is weird" I said. "he used a pet name! He doesn't ever call a girl princess or babe or baby girl none of that because he believes that's for people who date and who 'love'" she said.

"are you trying to say he 'loves' me" I said sarcastically. She looked me dead in the eyes "yes" Throughout the rest of the day I couldn't get what happened out of my head. First Luke kissed me second my best friend says he loves me.

 I highly doubt he even likes me so it doesn't matter anyways.It was last period and I had music where Luke was my partner, I doubt he will show up though. Even though we have to hand in our assignments where we perform a song who made/ wrote.

Calum performed a song he wrote called 'bad dreams', which was cutely weird but really good he made a back track because he plays bass and not anything rhythmic, he sang too of course, this had shayela of course swooning over him. Shayela performed a song she had written called '8 going on 12' which is about our friendship. Then I did a song I wrote called 'butterfly effect'.

AFTER MIDNIGHT: LUKE R HEMMINGS PUNK AUWhere stories live. Discover now