Left in the dark

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You sat next to Lydia at the dining room table.

"Ugh! I'm hurt you never let me know about any of this! I thought we were pals, Lyds! Okay - Wait, wait so let me get this straight here. So, Adam and Barbara aren't actually your neighbours and are actually the dead previous owners of this house?" you relayed back to Lydia after she dumped all the disclosed information from the past couple months onto you.


"And this ghost – demon – bio-exorcist – whatever he is, caused indisputable chaos, murdered people, tricked you into marrying him and almost had you end up permanently in the Netherworld just because you were that desperate to get away from him?"

"...Yes." Lydia mumbled.

You took a long sip of tea from the cup your hands clasped around as you continued, "And after all of that, you continued to hang out with him regardless of the prior events because he's...goofy or something."

Lydia gave a face where it seemed she was questioning herself at this point but quipped back in defence. "Well, Dad and Delia were okay with him hanging out with me ...I think. And- he's not that bad once you get to know him. He already knows plenty about you considering he's been hanging with us when you come over-"

It was almost instantaneous as Lydia regret adding that. You picked up immediately what she meant. Sure, the events the Deetz just happened to breeze over was certainly something to be shocked about but a newfound dread washed over you thought about the fact this creep has been wandering in this house when you've been here for god knows how long because Lydia neglected the idea to summon him in case you got "scared by him" - so only she could see him. No wonder why he was so weird towards you – he's probably been watching you shower or get changed or sleep—

You whipped your head around to see if he was listening to the conversation and surely enough, he was behind you guys, leaning back against the kitchen counter top adjusting his tie and biting his lip at you. Yep, he has been watching. You felt a blush grow on your cheeks as you turned back to Lydia and drily asked "Is there anything else I should know so I'm not left in the dark here. Skeletons in the closet?"

Lydia looked down at her own cup. "Just one more thing. Uh, I was invited to a party tonight. I'm not the party kind of person and I know we had plans to stage our horror movie marathon – but there's someone there—someone I really like, and I thought it would be the perfect chance to... y' know-" she looked up hesitantly at you as you leaned back into your chair and let out a soft laugh. "Lydia, do you have a crush?" Lydia remained silent and gave a small nod.

You knew far better to go against Charles and Delia to just let her go to a party but how could you say no to this precious little bean who just wants to ask someone out? And she was going to sneak out anyway. That was probably Beetlejuice's influence. A bad influence at that. So, you might as well tag along and watch over her. It's the least you could do. "Alright Lydia, you adorable nerd, but I'm coming with you. I need to assert some form of guardian figure in this." you laughed as you stood up. Lydia looked ecstatic that you agreed as she gave a thumbs up to Beetlejuice.

"One more thing Y/N!" Lydia blurted out "It's uh a costume party so you're going to need something to wear."


"I'm sorry Y/N none of my clothes fit you and I doubt you'd want to wear anything of Delia's." Lydia snickered. "Ah that's okay Lyds, I've got nothing either in my bag – I didn't think we were going anywhere significant this weekend, so I only grabbed a couple things." You sat on her bed trying to think of a solution. That was when Beetlejuice popped into view. "HEY, I'VE GOT AN IDEA!" you jolted back in surprise from his presence. You were going to have to get used to him being a common face around here. He sauntered over to you, "As much as I'd think you would look incredible in your birthday suit-" he winked and added on "-I think I can help you in terms of a costume." Before you could protest his clicked his fingers as a puff of smoke surrounded you.

When the smoke dissipated, you found yourself dressed in a 1920's black and white pinstriped flapper dress, adorned with a black feather boa, gloves and cigarette holder in hand to fit the time frame. After taking a moment to look at yourself in the mirror you looked at Beetlejuice for an explanation. He seemed to shrug as he walked up to you sliding his hands on your hips and holding them there as he looked at you up and down, drinking you in "Oh there wasn't any significance to the outfit, I just wanted an excuse to see you in a skimpy dress." He leaned in closer towards your ear and whispered, "Mission successful." Flustered, you laughed and swatted him away as you walked out of Lydia's room with Beetlejuice in tow so she could get ready.

You froze in the hallway "Oh! Oh! What time is it?" you said hastily. "What? Why? You should treat every minute with me as meaningful from now on, babe." You checked a clock on one of the walls as you started running down a familiar path through the house as Beetlejuice floated not too far behind. You said in between breaths as you ran, "The view of the sunset on the Deetz roof is to die for!" Beetlejuice scoffed at the lame joke you made as you quickly scrambled out of the attic and onto a specific flattened part of the roof and you sighed as you saw the sunset to challenge all sunsets. It has never ceased to disappoint every time you witnessed it as you peacefully sat down to take it all in. "Huh, I guess you're right. It is a pretty neat view." Beetlejuice said contently as he sat beside you.

"I'd do anything just so I could see this view every day" you chuckled. "Yeah, I'd be pretty stoked if I could see something this beautiful all the time," Beetlejuice said softly as he looked at you.

"Hey, I'm ready to go, guys!" Lydia called out from the attic.

Breaking away from the view as the sun dissipated into the horizon, you joined Lydia. "BJ I just realised you might not blend in as well with the age group...could you transform into something more discreet?" Lydia asked him. "Ugh, fine. I can do discreet, watch this." Right as he said this Beetlejuice's body began to morph and shrink down into a tiny beetle with a black and white striped shell. He must stick with his aesthetics one way or another. He scuttled over to you as you felt a sense of anguish scooping the gross creature up, holding him in your palms. "I guess I'll figuratively and literally hold onto Beetlejuice while you go do your thing, okay Lydia?" you said as he squirmed around the expanse of your hands.

"Alright, let's do this." 

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