✨Another Author's Note✨

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Sorry to interrupt the story again! (I left it on a cliff hanger lol)

 Don't worry this isn't me asking for more prompts, (but feel free to request anything you want to see~) I just wanted to know if you guys were comfortable with NSFW.

 I wasn't sure if the story is going to be diving in that direction when it comes to the relationship between Beetlejuice and our faithful main character and I thought I'd ask what you guys thought first? I don't want to upset anyone by including something they are simply not okay with. 

So let me know in the comments what you guys want! I want to make all readers happy! :)





I've noticed that some people do not want to go with NSFW - which is completely reasonable - so for the next part I'm going to make sure I don't veer off in that direction. If I really think this might be a bit too much for readers, I'll be sure to include a warning before the next part. It's most likely going to be on the same level of what 'Interruptions' was like so hopefully that's okay?

Or option two: I can dedicate a chapter to something saucy and nsfw leaving out the exposition or anything noteworthy so people can just skip the chapter because I did plan to have the next part dedicated to Beetlejuice spouting some exposition and perhaps even a leeway to something significant but I can put that on hold.

The WeekendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora