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Delia was striding across the room. She made a new art piece ready to be placed somewhere.

It was sort of formulated by both her inspirations from the trip - inspirations that usually transpired from activities best not mentioned ...but they did involve Charles - and the all the stress she gets. It was sort of a coping mechanism in which she channels all her negative emotions into a terrifying abstract sculpture only she could understand the true meaning of. It was almost poetic.

Well, that new sculpture found a lovely spot for itself: on the floor. In a couple of broken chunks. She wasn't too fused about it, however. She seemed more interested in why there were Beetlejuice and a feral looking Y/N entering a doorway into the room.

You didn't notice Delia yet as you laughed and cheered "GOODBYE THE NETHERWORLD - HELL-O THE DEETZ' HOUSE!" as Beetlejuice shook his head, smiling "And hello to shitty puns. I'm glad to know you didn't leave those behind in prison." You punched him in a joking manner.

Delia just screamed as she stood with her hands curled in front of her as if still holding onto the sculpture.

Beetlejuice nearly dropped you, as you were both startled by Delia's presence in the room. You slid out of Beetlejuice's arms and hurried over to her with your hands up as if to calm her down. "Delia! Don't worry! Besides a slight concussion - I'm fine!!" you croaked out trying to consolidate her.

"Y/N ARE YOU DEAD. ARE YOU A GHOST??" she worriedly said in a whisper-scream, as she began to touch your damp skin, checking for a pulse and eventually a hand on your forehead. "You might as well be! You've got a crazy fever. When was the last time you ate or slept??"

You shrugged moving hair out of your face as Beetlejuice moved you on the couch to lay down. "It depends. How long was I gone for?"

You watched Delia pace around the room trying to think. "Let's see... Lydia said they took you on Saturday night and now it's Friday evening..."

"A WEEK?" you protested in a raspy voice. "Oh! Of course, she was lying. "A couple of months" my ass..." you threw your arms in the air in annoyance from another lie from Ley, Beetlejuice being unaware of what you were talking about.

Delia whipped her head around "Woah! That's not the Y/N I know. Where's this new attitude come from?"

You coughed as Beetlejuice held your hand. "I mean I'd say being held captive would be a factor, although Beetlejuice might be rubbing off me." You looked at him, giving a weak smile and squeezing his hand as Beetlejuice gave the most sincere and loving look back, a small tint on his pale cheeks.

"Oh, I suppose you two are acquainted, then?" Delia said briefly, turning around as her motherly instincts kicked as she headed in the kitchen to get you some hot food and something to drink as Beetlejuice conjured up a stripy blanket, tucking you in.

"More than you'd know." You said quietly responding to her question, never breaking eye contact with Beetlejuice. You dazedly leaned back against the pillow situated behind your head, eyes heavily lidded as Beetlejuice crouched beside you, whispering in a joking manner "I think the marriage idea might have to hold out for a bit. I don't want to be marrying a walking corpse."

You countered in a dry voice, eyes closed now, "What the heck am I marrying, then?"

He laughed softly, placing a small kiss on your head as he quipped back "The 'Second Sexiest Person in existence' my wifefriend to be, my gife. The first is Adam by the way." You snickered as he got up and sat on the accompanying sofa, watching over you.

Delia came back from microwaving some leftovers, placing them on the table as you opened your eyes once again "Good thing you came back as soon as you did! I don't think I could have kept the excuses up for much longer before I'd have to start telling people the truth. Charles and I had to call up your parents when we heard, and we said that we were having some trouble with the car, so you had to stay a little bit longer with Lydia. Everyone was so worried you weren't coming back." You could hear Delia's bright persona was faltering.

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