Jealousy is contagious

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"Hey, Y/N..."

You finally managed to get some rest after all the stress dumped on you, but someone's voice was stirring you from the momentary peace you achieved.

"Y/N...c'mon. Wakey wakey!"

Your body refused to budge for whoever was trying to get you up.

"Y/N! You need to get up!" the voice beckoned. A cold hand now on your shoulder, squeezing and shaking you gently.

You finally gave in as you were shaken into awareness, eyes still adjusting to the light as you saw Waverley standing beside your bed, now wearing a neat and perfectly fitted blazer – with her hair in a messy bun. Behind her stood some more skeleton goons as the cell door was fully drawn open.

You tired and confusingly leaned up, rubbing your eyes. "What's going on?"

Ley began to read off a piece of paper in her hand, a report of some sort "Someone gave a tip-off about how you were not involved in the case! It says, 'the council wants to formally apologise for the inconvenience and mistreatment that you may have experienced during your stay. We have also terminated the acknowledgement of you being in the Netherworld as you were forced into it and a mistake on our behalf, therefore, you're free to go back to the living, Y/N L/N.' You can go home!!"

A skeleton had rattled forward and placed your dirty clothes down on the bed.

"A tip-off, huh?" You yawned, stretching, as you got out of your bed.

"I've scheduled a transit for you to the living realm through a custom demon passageway. You'll end up wherever you were last before you went into the Netherworld. Get changed – and I'll lead you out."


You got changed back in your initial clothes, folding the prisoner jumpsuit on the bed and cautiously walked out of the cell as if this was a trap. A voiceless skeleton waited patiently for you to fully step out into the corridor to close the cell door behind you. Ley was standing next to the elevator as she laughed softly. "Ready for another ride? This one won't be near as long, I promise."

And she wasn't lying. It was most definitely easier to grip onto her without handcuffs as the small box shuttled its way to the entrance lobby. The screams were still disturbing, and you could have sworn you saw green light flood through the crevices of the elevator from the outside. It was the same green light you saw when Juno shoved you through the door. Perhaps this realm is used as a transportation space between the living and the dead. You wished you could read up on this more but alas this may be the last time you'll be in the Netherworld in a long time.

Ley's heels collided against the patterned ground in the lobby. For a prison, this was a rather beautifully designed room. It must have been an extension of a police department of some sort as it emanated a justice-like aesthetic throughout, with the inclusion of pristine statues situated between pillars in a symmetrical matter lining the walls, from the front desk to the revolving door entry way.

Walking outside the building and onto the pavement, you saw the only person who would have made the tip-off. Beetlejuice was leaning against a streetlight a couple of metres away from where you stood in a car park type of area. He was wearing a worn, oversized grey coat that showed signs of distress from what you would deduce as deterioration from age. His hands were shoved deep into its pockets as he stared hard at the cracked, unlevelled concrete beneath him.

Ley strutted forwards toward him. "Beetlejuice~" She exclaimed in a strangely warm tone.

Looking up, Beetlejuice said, "Oh hey, Waverley." In surprise.

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