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Adam flopped onto his bed in Bordem, it's a hot summer day in Arizona and Adam could be out like the kids getting shaved ice but instead he just wants to lay in his bed and feed his lizard Doug. * BZZZ* " A text? From who?" Adam says in shock, like anyone would text him. He reads,

Jameson: sup wyd today any plans

" on its just Jameson." Adam says in relief. 

Me: no don't have any plans, it's so danm hot today.

Jameson: yea me neither but Jaiden says he wants to chill at the park, wanna come?

Me: sure, like I have anything better to do 

So Adam slumps out of his bed and turns off the AC, puts his hat on then heads to James' house.     "Uhggg! Why does it have to be sooo danm hot!" Adam says while walking down the sidewalk, he reaches James' house and knocks twice. * knock* *knock* James answers the door. " oh, hey Adam!" James says in shock " sup, you...ready?" " oh yeah.. I uhh.... Told... I told..."  " James you can tell me anything just say it I won't be mad." Adam says softly " ok fine, I told Jaiden that I just wanted to chill at my house and told her that you didn't want to go..."  James says " oh that's ok, do ya got AC?" Adam asks " uhh yeah.., why, ohh I see! You want to chill with me?" James says " uh..uhh n- no! I means like y- shure!" Adam says while blushing wildly. James then in its Adam in and makes starts cooking some steak on the oven.  (don't judge him he's dyslexic ok) 

 * Adams POV*

I plop down onto James soft couch and I turn around to see him... Cooking?! Why would he be cooking on this hot day that makes it even hotter! " J-James? Why are you cooking?" " Oh yeah, I can't have a guest over without a meal by yours truly!" James says in a loving tone. I snicker and thank him only to turn back around to the tv that's on the Chanel Rediculosness. A few minutes later James walkes to the couch and sets down a plate of steak with a side of potatoes and peas also with a drink of cranberry juice. " wow Jameson, This- this is amazing!" I say " awwww, it's not the best, but I tried..." James says blushing and looking at the floor. 

I finish up eating and James asks, " h-hey Adam, wanna go on a walk or something?" I agreed with him and he poens the door for me and let's me go first, we start walking down the road when we see a coffee shop across the street, we decide to take a walk Iberia there and see what they have. James and I walk in and see there is nobody here except for this one girl who's in her phone instead of doing her job. " uhh.. H-hey could we get two coffee's please" James asks the woman, " uhgggg, you two better be the plat people here, we're ten minutes away from closing." She replies while pouring coffee. A little bit later she hands us two coffee cups and tells us to sit outside to drink because the janitor didn't want us in the way, or she s just a bi- OKAY I'm getting ahead of myself. But as we are walking out she tells me to comer over to her for a second, James keeps on walking outside while I'm walking over to her. " listen up here cutie, I just want to know   Don't get all shy or anything but, are you gay?" She asks me, " u-uh why do y-you want to know?!" I say stuttering like an idiot. " cuz your letting this other dude pay for you and stuff, so yes or no?" " okay I'm not gay for other people, I just think... He's the right guy for me." I say blushing " oh so would you like girls to like are you bisexual?" " yes, now why are you asking?!" She laughs and starts wrighting numbers on a piece of paper then a name, she hands it to me and it says...

         I'm Tori and you look cute so do you wanna come over some time and have fun?~ 

         My number is 269-469-3452

"Wh-what the..." I say then Tori kisses me on the cheek and walks past me, but when I turn around I see James looking through the window and he looks like he can knock someone out with a flick, " uh oh now James thinks that I'm in love with this random girl who I don't even know!"

Hey guys tiger here!🐯 Just wanted to tell you thank you so much for all of the reads on my last book and  do you guys like the picture of James at the top? And also did you notice at the first paragraph at the top the Easter egg about shaved ice like in the do we have dyslexia quiz? And one more question do you guys watch Rediculosness?

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