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* Adams POV* 

I slowly walk over to the door of the coffee shop scared to death and sweating because I think that James is going to hang me upside down by me feet and sap be in the chest a million times... I open the door and James snatches me around the corner of the alley way, " ADAM, WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING WITH HAT GIRL THAT YOU LIKE, DONT EVEN KNOW! WERE YOU TRYING TO GET A UNDER AGED GIRLS NUMBER?! OH MY GOD THAT ALLEGAL IM CALLING THE POLICE SO YOU CAN GO TO JAIL! AND IN JAIL I HOPE YOU DROP THE SO-" " JAMES! I- I'm sorry, it was all a big misunderstanding... She just randomly thought I was cute, please don't be mad." I say calmly to calm James temper down. " Adam, I don't even know what's going on, can we just go home and get some sleep..." James says to me clueless. I nod and we start walking back home...

* James' POV*

I've always had this big big BIG crush on Adam, I mean we're both animators, and he's just so cute I mean like his glasses fit in with is style perfectly and his big di- OKAY BUDDY lets get back on track, then we walk into my house and Adam sits on my couch and I ask him " uh, A-Adam would you mind... S-sleeping with me?" " uhh, sure I d-don't mind..."  Adam replies. We start walking to my room and we were walking kinda close because my hallway is kinda small and Adams hand touches mine.... MMMMHHH! * silently fangirls* we make it into my room and Adam opens the door for me. I lay on my bed and said " you... Want the air on, it's kinda hot in here" "sure" I get up to turn on the air and then lay back down. I was almost asleep until Adam faces me and says, " night Jameson~" I start to blush like a new red car, omg no way did Adam, THE ADAM ORTIZ tell me "night" no way, I just reply with, " n-n-night Adam" " you okay?" Adam says right after he says " oh yeah I forgot, uh don't think it's wierd or anything but I sleep with my shirt off" then he takes his common sense hoodie off and then his white tee shirt, then he lays back down while I pretend to sleep, but little does he know I took a pic of him, hehehe... We slowly drift to sleep, but...

*Adams POV*

James is so cute when he sleeps, I don't know what came over me but I turned over to James not facing me and cuddle him, I feel him wake up for a slight minute the fall back asleep and so do I. About an hour later I thought I herd the door open but must have Been dreaming, still cuddling James' warm body I fall back asleep.

*Jaidens POV*

I open the door to James' house to see what he's up to and all of the lights are out, now I have a house key to James' and Adams house. I start to search all of James' rooms until I thought I hear... Adams snoring?? I slowly open James' bedroom door to see... Omg! James and Adam are cuddling! I took a pic of the two lover birds and walked out, feeding floof a dog treat on the way.

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