Road trip

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*Adams POV*

As me and James were putting our stuff in the trunk, James jumped in the car and said he was hungry. I asked him what he wanted to eat," SOOUBWAY!" James said in an exiting voice. I started to drive and stopped at a SUBway, James got out and came back in a couple of minutes later but with a sandwich. I started driving once agian.

*James' POV*

Adam said that we were allmoast halfway there but right as we drove over this brige I look out my window and there's... A WATERFALL! The most beautiful thing, but.... The noises of the water made me had to go use the bathroom. " Adam.. I need to take a leak" I said " w-what?! No not right now we're on a brige, then we're going through a tunnel for a while..." Adam said back.  You know when you have to pee and it just fells like one ones punching you in the stomach? Yeah that's what it feels like. I tried to not think about it for a while but then when I did think about it agian I had to go even more! " A-ADAM I CANT HOLD IT, I NEED TO GO!" I said yelling, " FINE! Go in the back there should be a bag down there..." Adam said. So I crawled back there, found the bag, and well... Yea kinda... Took a leak, guys gotta do what a guys gotta do!

*Adams POV*

Welp...James, had to...erm. Yeah. I told him to throw the bag out of the window after we had passed the waterfall, about two hours later I gotten kinda hungry too, so we stopped at a gas station. James filled up the tank with gas, while I bought us some bananas cuz potassium my dude, some chips, two milkshakes and two doughnuts, because we have been driving for a while and it was dark. I came back out to the car to take off my common sense hoodie because it's hot. I put it in the car and went back in to the store to use the bathroom. After I walk out of the store I can't see James anywhere, I look in the back window, didn't see him, looked in the front window and James is agian..... Wearing my hoodie. " aren't you hot?" I said while getting in the passengers seat, " no, and this smells good, and it's comfy inside." James said blushing. God he looked so cute in there, James started the car and started driving. After we got back onto the highway, James was sooo scared that he would hit a deer, " James, your okay, your not going to hit a deer..." I tried to calm him down a little bit but... " ADAM NO! IM SCARED, I DONT WANT TO HIT A DEER!" James cried, " James, want me to drive?" I calmly asked.  James nodded and pulled over to the right. I then got in the drivers seat, and James got In the passengers. After a while when I was driving James turned off the radio and said, " let's play truth or truth." " okay..." I said because I didn't know what that was, " ok my question is what is your favorite restaurant, it doesn't have to be sooubway, I won't be offended." James asked me, " I don't know... Uhmm... ChickFilA I guess." I responded. " ok, now, what's your favorite movie" I ask James. " Titantic" james responds quickly, " do you like.... Anyone and who?" James asks me blushing. " y-yea, You know I've always been into you James." 

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