Turn back

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*James' POV*

" Y-you have?!" I said shaking. " Yeah, D-didn't you allready know?" Adam spoke.  " oh- uh, yeah, so you like me as what?" I said, " A boyfriend, James." Adam said. I was silent and probably blushing like crazy. It was dark out and I was NOT feeling good, I told Adam about this and he suggested, " you know what this is gonna be a long ride and were not even halfway there yet, you...wanna just turn back." " I- yeah, but could we stop at a gas station and get some medicine I don't feel so good." I said. " ye." Said Adam.

*Adam's POV*

James said that he wasn't feeling so good so we turned around and drove back home. NO NO NO PLEASE DONT LEAVE THE STORY YET! What was that, Y-you want NSFW? Wait, * Adam types in what NSFW is* ohhhh, well you'll have to wait you little pizza bagel bites. Anyways, we stopped at the gas station and I told James to wait in the car while I went in to grab some medicine for him.  Shortly after I went back to the car and gave James two pills, he ate them and I started driving back home. By now it was about 2:00 in the morning, so we were tierd as FRICK! I pulled over on the side of the street and me and James got in the backseat, I figured I wanted James to be comfortable so I let him lay his head on my lap, like cheating whor-

* James' POV*

The next morning I woke up on Adams lap, I sat up and shook his arm slightly to wake him up. He woke up and asked me were he was, I responded with, " heh, Adam were in the car, remember? We're driving back home." He held out his hand in a ball formation and his other hand underneath it, " so, who's driving~" he said in a sexy voice, (like always) I started to snicker, " Adam it's fine, I'll just drive." I said. He responded with a nod and we both got in the front seats.      About two hours in we stopped at a Dunkin' Donuts to eat breakfast and drink some coffee, after that we got back in the car, but this time Adam driving. After a few silent minutes of driving I sparked up this conversationsation, " s-so you really do like me Adam." I asked, " yea, remember what happend a couple of months ago, when we were watching that movie, you... Uhh." " yes, I remember."  I said before he could finish the sentence. About 8 hours later of stoping about 3 times to use the bathroom we were finally on our road home. After getting inside the house me and Adam lol at each other and start laughing, floof was n the floor used down with her bowl on her face. " I'm so tierd, I'm heading to bed, see you." Said Adam ( keep n mind that me and Adam share a bed) I use the bathroom and put on PJ's and head to the room, the door was closed for some reason, I figured Adam was changing so I didn't open it instead I put my ear up to the door to hear Adam mumbling words under his breaths and he's...... Softly moaning.

See Adam told y'all I'd get juicy! Feel free to comment and vote!

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