The rumor

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*Jaidens POV*

I had to Inform Rebecca insyptantly so as I was walking home I texted Rebecca the pic of Adam and James cuddling in bed. 

Rebecca: omg is that real, no it's not Adam would never do that.

Me: yea sis it's real you better bet your a** it's real

Rebecca: omg I need to tell tabbes

Me: ok but nobody else after tabbes because I don't think that Adam would want every one to know that like Tim tom and Alex Clark and people like that...

Rebecca: k


* Adams POV*

I woke up to realize that I'm in.. James' bed!! Oh yeah I slept with him, I guess we were really tierd because we slept for the whole day. I also got a text from Jaiden saying 

Jaiden: meet me at the part picknick table right now, tell, James to come too!

Me: what the hell why are you up so early

Jaiden: no reason Just come on!

"Uhggg" I sigh and attemp to wake up James, he shifts a little bit before waking up and saying, " Adam how'd you get into my house!" " you let me in and asked me if I could sleep with you" then he starts blushing a lot for some reason, ohh is it because of my shirt that's off... I quickly got up and put on my shirt because it's too hot to have my hoodie on, " Jaiden wants us at the park, like right now..." I tell James. He nods then grabs some clothes and goes in his bathroom shortly he comes out with new clothes on and grabs a backpack and stuffs a whole bunch of waters into it and as we are about to walk out he tries to be slick and grabs my hoodie behind my back and puts it into his back pack. 

~at the park~

*James' POV*

I don't now exactly why Jaiden wants us at the park but I guess it's because we missed it yesterday, Jaiden sits us down and says strictly to me and Adam, " okay don't get scared and start shuddering because then I know you're lying, but do you to like each other, more than friends?" "Yes" I say "no" Adam says. " I-I mean yes I was just trying to lie, sorry" Adam says. " I KNEW IT! I KNEW YOU TWO HAD FEELING FOR EACH OTHER!" Jaiden screams slamming her hands on the table. " Jaiden Shhhh! Your being too loud!" Adam tried to shush her while looking around for people. " I'm bored I'm gonna go swing." Adam says while walking away, " now Adams birthday is in two days, whell since he's your... Half boyfriend, you should get him something special!" Jaiden says in a no to loud voice to alarm Adam. " Jaiden I don't even know what to get him!" " well what does Adam like to do?" Jaiden asks. " hmmm, ohh! I could get him a animating tablet, like a better one!" I say in joy. " yes! Perfect! Ok it's 3:48 wanna go get lunch?"  Jaiden says. I nod and we tell Adam to come on and we stop at... SOOUBWAY! Yep you guessed it.  We finish up eating around 8:20 and we decide to walk home, me and Adam get home and fall asleep on the couch while watching South Park.

Hey guys tiger here🐯 Just wanted to ask what else do you think Jams is going to give Adam for his birth day? And also do you guys watch tabbes, she so funny if you don't watch her look her up. And last thing do you guys watch South Park? Leave your answers below

By the way I'm sorry for nightmares in the picture of Adam above...

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