-Ending 1.1.1-

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Trigger warning. If you're suicidal, please skip this ending.

I wake up with a pounding headache. Everything hurts. I slowly open my eyes, grunting. 'Hajime!' A worried voice sounds from my right. 'Doctor!' the same voice yells. A man wearing a white lab coat walks in, writes something on his paper, then turns his attention back to me. 'I am going to ask you some questions, okay?' he says. I grunt again.

'Do you know who you are?' the man says. 'Iwaizumi Hajime.' My voice sounds groggy and I can barely force it out of my throat. 'How old are you?' he asks. '24.' I answer after thinking for a bit. 'Do you know where you are?' Another question. 'At the hospital?' I say reluctantly. The man nods. 'After you and Oikawa jumped off of the roof, you landed on him. It impacted your body a lot, but it was enough to save you.' he tells me. 'Oikawa..? Where is he?' I panick. 'I am sorry to tell you, but he died.' the man looks down.

My breathing stops. My head feels dizzy. He wanted to keep on living. He wanted a future with me. But here I am, alive, while I wanted to die until the very end. Tears start flowing. 'We will leave you alone for a moment.' the voice from earlier says again. It is my wife, the woman I betrayed. I don't look at her even once as she walks away with the man I assume is the doctor.

I was saved. Me, the one who wanted to die the most. I look to the left. My life support is there, connected to me with all kinds of needles, filling me with substances that keep me alive. But the most important is the air support, since I can't breathe on my own anymore. With all my might, I reach for the plug. My body hurts. But as soon as I pull it out, it hurts even more. I scream. It burns. My lungs burn. I gasp for air, but it doesn't work. I don't regret it, though. I can slowly feel my conciousness fade away, knowing that no one will come in to save me. Not this time.

I will see you soon, Tooru.

Too Late||IwaOi||One Shot||Multiple EndingsWhere stories live. Discover now