10 | Zoey

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10. zoey

Keegan's arms linked with mine as we made our way into his parent's house. An older aged gentleman in a suit smiled politely at Keegan as he held the door open for us, "Welcome, Mr. Keegan. It's nice seeing you, again."

Keegan flashed a rare smile at the man, a spark of happiness reached Keegan's face as he replied, "thanks, William. It's nice seeing you too."

"And who's this beautiful lady?" The butler, William questioned, his eyebrow quirking mischievously as he shuts the front door. A rush of comfort came over me as the humble man reached over grasped my free hand before bringing it to his soft lips. He placed a gentle kiss on the back of the hand, politely.

"Sutton Olivers," I answer for myself as my laugh fills the quiet hall. William slowly drops my hand before introducing himself. "William Harrington, ma'am. A pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"This old bag — although a huge flirt — has worked here even before the Depression," Keegan explains before playfully slapping William on the shoulder.

William hung his head before grumbling, "just because I'm old, kid, doesn't mean I won't kick your ass later."

I laugh again and William grins at me.

Keegan takes his fingers through his already messy hair that added to his allure. "Are we really late?" He asked and William pause; his hand on his clean-shaven chin.

"no," he shakes his head before continuing and jerking his thumb towards an opening leading to the large ballroom. "Your mother was looking for you though."

Keegan — with his arm still linked to mine —  rubbed his temples before blowing out a harsh sigh. William and I glance at each other with worried expressions before William placed a hand on Keegan's shoulders and flashed him a special smile; the kind of smile which tells you everything is going to be alright.

Keegan's shoulders relaxed, lowering slowly and he takes a deep breath.

"You keep stressin' like that and your hair's gonna be whiter than mine." William jokes and Keegan chuckles, "maybe..."

My pursed lips quickly transformed into a smile as I ignored the feeling of wonder to why I was worried about Keegan like that. That's because we need him for our plan to work, my inner thought summed it up for me and I quickly agreed with this as I pushed away from the other part in my mind that wanted to convince me that I care for Keegan.

That asshole, never.

William's hands folded together like delicate flower petals before he spoke, "well as much as I'd love to continue this conversation," he turned to me, "and get to know you more, Ms. Sutton, I have to help the staff with this party."

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