30 | Keeping You

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30. keeping you

I placed the bowl of salad down on the buffet table before pulling up the strap of my overalls and grabbing the food-safe bug spray and spraying around me and myself... just in case. I place it back down on the table before deciding to go get some more food.

I walk past my mom with my little sister, Freya as they try to set up the piñata. Freya keeps trying to fill it up to the brim with candy as my mom tries to figure out how to hang it up and is scolding Freya at the same time.

"Why are you filling it so high? Kids are never gonna be able to smack it down."

"And I don't want them too. It's my candy."

I turned my head and saw Jaxson and Keegan messing with the DJ booth. Jaxson was staring at the computer as if it had the answers to all of his problems. He touched something on the keyboard and jumped back when it when the music started to blast from the speakers.

"It works!" Keegan called out as appeared from behind the speakers. He rubbed the back of his neck, a dopey smile on his face as he walked over towards the computer and clicked off whatever Jaxson had touched. Jaxson puts his arm on Keegan's shoulder and gestured towards the equipment they put together.

My face scrunched up in confusion. When the fuck did they become friends?

"Good job, boys!" I heard my dad call from the back of backyard where he and Silas were blowing up the castle bounce house. Silas hammered the stakes with ropes attached to them into the ground, making sure that the bounce house doesn't fly.

A couple of kids ran past me, balloons in the hands as they chased each other. "Hi, Auntie Sutton," one of them called out and I waved at them before opening the back door and walking inside the house.

I walked over towards the dining room table which held a surplus of already prepared dishes.

"Hey, Sutton!" Jaxson's wife, Jules ran up to me and engulfed me in a suffocating embrace.

"Hey," I struggled under her hug, pressure hitting my chest, stopping my breathing.

I tapped on her back to signal her but like always, she didn't understand and hugged me tighter.

"Can't... breathe..."

"Oh, sorry," she finally released me, laughing as she pushed her auburn hair behind her back and shrugged, "I'm just excited. I brought jello." She pointed towards a box of jello cups on the table, "they're sugar-free and from the store."

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