28 | Olivers

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28. olivers

After getting off the plane and making our way to the baggage claim, we got donuts from a nearby cafe before Keegan called us an Uber. It was almost peaceful. And I say almost because I could tell that Keegan and Silas were getting annoyed with each other by the other's presences. It was pretty easy to tell with the large huffs, the pouts, the crossed arms, and the ability to mutter words under each other's breath whenever the other one wanted to start a conversation with me.

But other than that, there was nothing. No open-sided conversations from the two asshats beside me, no snarky comments from the king of destruction himself, and no yelling from me telling them to both "shut the fuck up". Growth is key, right?

I took a bite out of my warm chocolate-glazed donut as my body boiled with anticipation.

It's weird because I've been here with Silas so many times. This place is basically our childhood; our connection, where we come from. And now I've invited Keegan here. Someone who's supposed to be helping me make the one person— who seemed important to me— put me first in front of everything else.

This doesn't feel like some game anymore. It feels real and it scares me. I feel like I breaking off a piece of myself and I'm handing it to one of them; my past or present. But for some reason, I can't figure out which one it is yet.

I allow my mind to run over me like a train before I'm tapped on the shoulder. "The Uber's here." Keegan tells me as he grabs my suitcase and brings it to the man who opens the back of his minivan. Keegan helps put the bags in the car before he goes to passenger's seat at the front of the car and Silas and I move to the back. We all get in, including our driver. I give the man my parent's address and he begins to drive, making small meaningless conversation with Keegan about locations.

Silas and I sit with an empty seat between us but he still pokes me, gaining my attention before he points outside the window to the massive South Dakota hills around us. "Remember the snow hills we used to go down?"

I smile, a blissful memory in my mind and I nod before we both allow the words to die out.

It takes a while to get to my parent's two story house in the suburban neighborhood. I didn't feel like paying for a hotel and the activities are here for the next couple of days so I figured it would be easier to be here.

The man lets us out and takes our bags out of the car. Keegan thanks him quickly before him and Silas follow me up the stairs to the porch of my childhood home. You can hear the wild talking of my family from outside and I cringe before knocking on the door. Silence fills the air before someone screams my name and the padding of small feet can be heard. The white door opens to reveal a 7-year-old dark chocolate girl with two pigtails in her hair and a missing tooth as she smiles wide at me.

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