Sweet, Sweet, Salvation (Bruce x Reader)

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Trigger Warnings: Overdose, Suicidal Thought/Actions, Sexual Jokes, Fluff




"And send!" you say excitedly. In the process you wake up your boyfriend Bruce.

"Hey y/n did you pull an all-nighter?" your cute boyfriend questions. He looks at you worried. You put your hand to your forehead and groan.

"Yea, I had to write up a report for Nick Fury and it took a little longer than expected."

"Okay, just come back to bed alright?" Bruce says with a sleepy face. "You know I sleep better when you're around," he pouts.

You wince at your pain, mother always told you to never stay in front of a computer screen for too long. You feel a lump form in your throat and tears prick your eyes. A small, delicate tear rolls down your cheek. Bruce can't stand to see you like this, so he decides to take action.

He walks over to you and puts a flashlight in your face. "What Bruce?" you ask him.

"I'm checking for a headache y/n, just stay still 'kay?" You pout and he gasps as if he's discovered something. "What?!" you question.

"You have one of the most severe cases of a headache that I've ever seen!" He picks you up bridal style and carries you to the med bay.

"I'm fine Bruce I swear it's oka-" you wince and your eyes tear up again.

"Shhh y/n, just relax," he soothes you. He sets you down on a bed and rushes into his lab. He's shuffling around the lab, picking up vials, setting down vials, picking them up again.

"Bruuuuuucccceeeeee" you drag out his name after a full hour goes by and you have no word from your bæ.

He looks up from what he's working on and gives you the finger, indicating that he needs more time. You chuckle at your cheeky boyfriend and immediately regret feeling emotion after a surge of pain hits you. Bruce catches you wincing and runs over to his beautiful girlfriend, you. "I'm sorry it's taking so long, y/n/n. I'll be done soon."

You nod and watch as he rushes back to the lab at top speed. You give him a thumbs up and he gives you a cute smile of reassurance.

Ten more minutes pass and he rushes in with a bottle of pills. "I made these especially for you."
He winks.

"Hey guys, what's goin' on?" Steve says as he walks into the ned bay.

"Nothing." You say.

At the same time, Bruce declares: "Y/n is sick."

"I'm not sick, it's a headache." You correct him.

"You know what this means," Steve says.

"Operation: Y/N is Sick!" they say in unison. Steve and Bruce scramble across the Mrs bay to a big red button in the corner labeled: "Y/N is Sick ;(" You weren't down at the med bæ to often so it wasn't a huge surprise that you never spotted the button. If you had, you would've destroyed it with a hammer but that's beside the point. Bruce ends up being the one to push the button and as soon as it is pushed alarms go off. The whole building is under a panic. All of Mr. Stark's employee's start to scramble for the exits.

"Oh my god it's happening! Everyone stay calm!" one manager yells.

All the Avengers scramble down to the end bay. Clint hops out from the air ducts and pulls out his bow. "Who hit Y/n on the head???"

"Nobody." You say dryly. "It's just a headache."

"Oh, sorry. It's kinda hard to understand what you guys are saying from up there."

"Wait, were you listening to us from the air ducts?" Bruce implores.

"...No." Clint says, his blank expression revealing nothing.

"You were totally spying on us."

"I was not!"

"You were!"

"Come on!" Clint whines. "Y/n is on her deathbed and this is what you're worrying about?"

"Guys it's just a headache it's fine!" you blush.

"It's never just a headache," Tony says, insinuating that there may be a bun in the oven. You and Bruce blush and look at each other.

"Yo, would the kid have powers? He might be kinda cool to experiment on. I mean not that we would want that to happen," Dr. Strange chuckles nervously. "I'm, haha, just saying."

"Lady y/n," Thor booms. "Those look very large they might be hard to swallow." He picks up the pill bottle and sets it back down.

"That's what she said!" Nat shrieks.

You look around the room and realize that having a headache isn't fun. Actually it's REALLY NOT FUN. You take a look at the pills sitting on the table, aka sweet, sweet, salvation.

"I'm ending this. HERE AND NOW!" you scream. You take the bottle in your fist and slide a few hundred pills down your gullet.

"Wha- What are you doing?" everyone in the room asks in a cult-like unison.

As you start to seize you already have one foot in the grave. There's a chance to save you but everyone is holding Bruce back, telling him it's okay and that you're in a better place now.

You flatline. It's over. Goodbye Brucie Pie.

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