The Duel (Thor x Reader x Loki)

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Warnings: Possibly references to multiple drug gangs


Lady y/n.
Just thinking of her brought a blush to Thor's cheeks. She was the newest, and most beautiful, avenger. He watched her from afar as she got her breakfast, as she went about her day, and as she slept at night. He couldn't stop thinking about her.
Dear Diary,
Another day of admiring Lady Y/n from afar. Oh, how I wish she would notice me! I guess she couldn't care less about a boring old god of thunder.

He closed his diary and went downstairs to get food. As he went down, he ran into Lady y/n, who was drinking coffee.
"Lady y/n!" He exclaimed in surprise, turning and running back out the door. He took a moment to fix his hair and collect himself before sauntering back in. "Oh, hey Lady Y/n"
"Hey, Thor." She said, staring at Thor awkwardly. "Mormon."
"Good morning." He responded. Before he could say anything else, Loki entered the room, holding Thor's diary. "What?? Where did you get that??" Thor cried in dismay.
"What?, it's just my book." Loki responded innocently. "I read some interesting things in here." He shot Thor a smile. "You like reading, don't you, y/n?"
"Yes, I love reading! My favorite book is The Secret Garden!"
"Mine too!" Loki exclaimed excitedly. "What a coincidence. We should talk about it sometime."
"I'd love that!" Y/n grinned.
Loki shot Thor a wink and left the room. Thor followed him. "Loki, what are you doing??"
"I'm courting y/n, brother."
"But you read my diary!! I want to court Y/n!!" Thor cried.
"Too late, Thor. I exist to make you miserable. You're a scrub, and a scrub is a guy that can't get no love from Y/n." He turned and walked away.
"What does that even mean??" Thor called after him.

Once Lady y/n had left, the rest of the avengers began to trickle in. Soon most of them were sitting in the living room. "Hey, what's a scrub?" Thor piped up, curiosity getting the best of him.
Clint burst out of his seat. "I DON'T WANT NO SCRUB, A SCRUB IS A GUY WHO CAN'T GET NO LOVE FROM ME! HANGING OUT THE PASSENGER'S SIDE OF HIS BEST FRIEND'S RIDE TRYING TO HOLLER AT ME! SO NO, I DON'T WANT YOUR NUMBER, NO, I DON'T WANNA GIVE YOU MINE, AND NO, I DON'T WANT TO MEET YOU NOWHERE, NO I DON'T WANT NONE OF YOUR TIME!!!!" He finished with great flourish, took a bow, then pulled Thor's coffee out of his hand and smashed it on the ground, before running at top speed out of the room. Thor looked out the window and watched as Clint got in his car, and the brakes squealed as he drove away from the avengers tower at top speed.

Later that day, the avengers had a pool party. Tony had his karaoke machine set up by the poolside. "Let's do a duet," Loki suggested to Lady Y/n. She and Loki went to the stage as Thor steamed with jealousy. Once Loki and Lady y/n had finished Ain't No Mountain High Enough, Thor took the stage and belted out Total Eclipse of the Heart. It sounded amazing. They say you are what you eat, but I don't remember eating a fuckin legend. Thor thought to himself confidently. Surely Lady y/n would like him after his iconic solo.
Tony sang Lovefool, Nat sang Hooked on a Feeling, and Clint was nowhere to be seen since the incident with the scrubs (Thor still had no clue what a scrub was).
Finally, it was time to get in the pool. "Time to get changed," Tony announced, going into the shed to change.
"No worries," Lady Y/n said. "I'm wearing my bathing suit under my clothes." She lifted her shirt to display her bathing suit, but there was no bathing suit. "Shoot, I left it in my car," she left to get it.
"Hey guys, what time is it?" Tony asked, exiting the pool shed. Loki showed him his phone.
"Wow, how did you get that wallpaper??" Tony asked.
Thor peeked over to see Lady Y/n's lifted shirt.
"Right place at the right time," Loki responded smugly.
"Excuse me, that is Lady y/n's private business!!" Thor cried, running towards Loki and tackling him. The phone slipped out of his hand and into the pool.
"Nooo, dammit Thor!!! What is your problem??" Tony cried, outraged. "I coulda gotten 800 dollars for that picture!"
Loki stood up and brushed himself off, shooting Thor an annoyed look, as the rest of the avengers returned.

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