Baby Daddy Part 1 (Tony x Reader)

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Warnings: Fluff, Angst
Requested by: bobthesavage12345678



You were so excited to be doing a Stark Internship that you barely noticed the obvious flirty glances Mr. Stark threw at you throughout the day. Once you became more aware of your surroundings though, the tension between the two of you could be cut like butter. One particular morning, the two of you couldn't stand it anymore.
You feel a buzz from your phone and look down to see who could be texting you.
"Tony?" you mutter, "'Come down to the lab now.'" you recite.
Complying with you boss' order you walk down the stairs and enter the lab.
"Hey Y/N?" Tony called.
"Yes, Mr. Stark," you replied as you strutted over to your crush.
"Please honey, it's Tony."
"Please Mr. Stark, it's Ms. L/N," you snap back.
Tony puts a hand over his heart, pretending to be hurt and you chuckle.
"What was it that you needed, Tony?" you inquire.
Tony looks deep into your glistening orbs and snakes his hand around your waist.
"Your eyes are really pretty ya know," he trails off.
"So, you called me down here just to look at my eyes, or was there something else you wanted?" you said getting lost in his gaze.
"Not something, but someone."
"Who do you need Mr. Stark?"
You blush as Tony inches closer to you, not taking his eyes off your lips. You're slowly creeping backwards until your back hits the wall. You want to do this, but this internship was too important. It would look so good on your college resume! As soon as he's an inch away you quickly pull yourself out of the way and Tony's face slams into the wall.
"Sorry Mr. Stark, but you'll have to do a little bit more than that to win me over," you reply begging your blush to leave your face.
"Oh believe me, I'll win you over," he replies.
You walk out of the room and make sure you're out of earshot before giving an excited squeal. You punched yourself to confirm that you weren't dreaming.
Steve saw you doing your happy dance and walked over to you.
"Hey Y/N!" he greeted you, "What's got you so happy?"
"Oh, nothing," you reply, not bothering to look any less excited than when you first left the lab.
"Ok, I'll just ask Tony."
"No wait Steve!" you call him back.
He smirks and looks at you with a smug smile.
"So, what is it, Y/N?"
"Tony, he uhh, tried to kiss me," you say, smiling at the ground.
"What?!" Steve grinned. "That's amazing! ....right?"
"Yes! Yes, of course. It's just ..."
"Just what?"
"I really value my job and wouldn't want to get involved with my boss."
"I get it," Steve says, "but Tony's not used to not getting what he wants."
"I'll see you later Steve."
He gives you a salute and marches in the opposite directions. You smile, still in disbelief of what just happened and retreat to your quarters.

A week later, you're hanging out with a group of your coworkers for lunch and your phones simultaneously buzz.
"Ladies of Stark Industries, there will be a Women's Appreciation Event happening after your lunch hour at noon. This is a mandatory event. Please come to Room 216-Tony S. ;)"
"Ugh, he's such a player," your friend Michelle complains.
"Yea, he is," you say dreamily.
"Y/N!!!!!!!" you're friends snap you back to reality.
"I mean, yea! He is a player! Thanks ladies," you smile.

Once you and your friends/coworkers make it to Room 216 you open up the door. Nobody ever entered the Room 216 because of rumored paranormal activity, but that's a story for another day. The door creaks open and you lead the pack of ladies behind you.
"Girlfriend I swear to God if I die I'm like totally gonna like die."
Everyone turns to the girl in the back and rolls their eyes at her in a cult-like unison.
You walk across the dimly-lit room slowly inching your hand down to your knife under your pencil skirt, for safety reasons. Before you can do anything a large group of men with their shirts off jump in front of you and the room lights up.

"AHHHH!!!!!" you scream. You pull your knife from in your skirt and stab the closest guy. He stumbles to the ground and grabs your boob for balance. You look at him, and he looks at you, blood dripping from his mouth, and a small smirk creeps into his face. You scream again, horrified by the man in front of you. Before you can hit him off yourself, Tony pops out from behind a curtain and punches him in the face.
"I'm so sorry Y/N. I really didn't mean for this to happen and I jus-"
You cut him off with a kiss. He slowly closes his eyes and kisses you back. When you pull apart you feel like you're walking on air. You feel like your heart is going to explode out of your chest.

He looks into your orbs and picks you up bridal style. He carries you at top speed until he skids to a stop in front of his bedroom.

"You really want to do thi-" he starts.

Tony is the best boyfriend you could ever ask for, but you're not sure if he wants to commit.

"Should I really being doing this?" you think out loud while throwing away Tony's last box of condoms. "Probably not, but, whatever," you sigh. You already have a pregnancy test at hand ready to be used. All you needed was tonight.

The next morning came and you couldn't wait to see if you're life was going to be changed forever. You ran into the bathroom and grabbed the pregnancy test.

"I-its POSITIVE!!"

You put it by the sink and wait for Tony to find it.

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